Sunday, August 12, 2012

Setting Sail for Day 1 Tomorrow

I am so looking forward to departing for my 60 day detox embarkment at 7am tomorrow morning. I went to Corrado's and bought some strawberries, bananas, apples, blueberries, romaine lettuce, spinach, and raw nuts.

  • I will begin my day with a morning walk and 2 glasses of water. 
  • I will follow that with a homemade (from my home that is) strawberry and banana smoothie.
  • For lunch I will eat a salad with romaine lettuce, spinach, blueberries, strawberries and nuts (I got this idea from the Wendy's Berry Almond salad - I believe blueberries and strawberries are ok to eat with other foods).
  • I will follow this with my own green smoothie - my parents gave me a blender yesterday and I will break it in by experimenting - spinach, blueberries, strawberries, apples and ice - we'll see what this tastes like tomorrow.
  • I'll eat another salad for dinner.
  • I will be drinking PLENTY OF WATER throughout the day.
  • I will purchase a scale from somewhere tomorrow morning so that I can begin weighing myself first thing every morning for the duration of my detoxes.
These are the things that I will be paying attention to during the detoxes:
  1. How much weight I will lose this time around - the detox guarantees between 10-50 pounds. I lost 12 pounds on the first full body detox so we'll see (I lost an additional 8 pounds on the blood cleanse).  I was 198 pounds in January and weighed 160 pounds on May 31st. I went down to 148 pounds after the full body detox, and down to 140 after the blood cleanse.
  2. How long will it take for my skin to clear back up - my skin was flawless until I reintroduced certain foods into my diet. I will continue to use the Moroccan red clay as well as steam daily (I will force myself to do this). I will take daily pics in order to compare and contrast.
  3. How long will it take for the joint pain in my hands and now my legs, to go away - I was pain free from May until this past Friday, and I'm determined to be pain free again; this is no doubt as a result of all of the cheese I've been eating. CHEESE=MUCUS=INFLAMMATION
  4. How long will it take for this mucus buildup and snorting to disappear - this was completely gone from the end of May up until I began eating dairy and cheese in particular (which was the day after I stopped detoxing)
  5. What sized clothing I will be able to fit into when this is all said and done - I was a comfortable size 6 for many years until I was put on steroids last June. Then I gradually (well, rather quickly) went up to a size 12/14 by October. After detoxing I dwindled to a size 10, then a size 8, skipped a size 6, and now am somewhere in between a size 2-4.  This should be interesting...
  6. Will I encounter emotional instability as I did the first time around - I'm glad I'm completing the full body detox before I return back to work because I was a raging bull at times during the first detox - emotional toxins were being released in addition to physical toxins. 
Well, I believe that's it for now. I am ready to see TRUE AND EVERLASTING VICTORY this time around. I know what to expect, I know what I can and can't eat, and am determined to be successful from beginning to end and beyond.

I will continue to keep you posted as I JOURNAL THROUGH HEALING.

Be blessed.

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