Monday, August 20, 2012

Day 8 was GREAT...sort of.

Well, today was another successful day in detox land for the most part but we'll start with the positives. I am happy to report:

  • I was energized enough to walk 4 1/2 miles today
  • I had 2 POOPS
  • I'm continuing to make my own smoothies. 
Speaking of which, let me show you a pic of one in the making:

Mango, Banana, Strawberry and Kale
Um hmmmm! I was supposed to take a pic of it in the glass before drinking it, but I literally drank it right from the blender.

I honestly don't know how I survived the last detox without having the option to blend delicious treats such as the one above. April was right; smoothies definitely make a difference.

On the not-so-good side:
  • I lost yet another pound, which makes a total of 12 pounds in the last 8 days (I believe it's either 12 or 13, I've decided to lose count...get it? Lose Count? LOL I crack myself up). 
  • Also my face is continuing to break out in more and more pimples. 
  • I asked April what I can use on my face because it's also dry and she advised to use shea butter or coconut oil. So I will be picking up both so that I can see which results I favor the most.  
The weight loss and acne, I can handle... but the MOODS, I am not handling so well. They aren't as rage-filled as the first time around but this time, it's causing me to have feelings and emotions that I thought I was delivered from, and the fact that they're resurfacing is making me even more moody. April told me to address these issues and then release them. She told me that these mood issues are actually a sign of my liver  being cleansed, so these are good signs now that I think about it.  All I know is that I'm doing a lot of inhaling.......................................................and exhaling....................................and a lot of walking away, and going to a quiet place.

Overall, I am reaping  great benefits once again and am confident that I will continue to do so. 

For all of you that are thinking about or planning to detox, if you ask me any questions about what to eat, use, symptoms, etc, I will be forwarding you directly to April Chapman at All of the knowledge that I have given so far has come directly from her. But as I stated in a previous post, these were directives that were given to me based on my current health situation. I have already made the mistake of sharing regiments with my cousin that I've been doing according to the detox instructional packet and April, but this can't and won't be best for everyone.  Thankfully my cousin has been in contact with April and will be back on the right path soon.  Which is why speaking to a NUTRITIONIST AND HOLISTIC HEALTH PRACTITIONER such as April, will be the BEST SUPPORT YOU CAN ASK FOR...and she knows what she's doing.

Well, I'm getting very agitated at the slightest of things (that mood of mine again) so I'm going to quit while I think I'm ahead.

Thank you all for your continued support, prayers, encouragement, and blessings, and I will continue to keep you posted as I continue to JOURNAL THROUGH HEALING.

Be blessed.


  1. Hey, Tye...can you taste the greens when they are in the smoothie. I would like to try it but am skeptical on whether or not I will like it. I still need to get a blender...coming soon...

    Feel better with the moods. I know what you mean...I've had to deal with that many times before and of course I found out I wasn't quite strong or ready...we'll see what happens.

    1. Hey Sharon, tasting the greens is dependent on what the proportion of fruits to veggies you use. At first, I put probably 70% fruit and 30% veggies so of course it was very fruity. Little by little I began adding more and more greens, so now I'm about 50/50. Work your way up to including more greens or an equal amount of greens and fruit. April taught me that you use 2-3 fruit and only 1 veggie (spinach, kale, or collards). With her recommendation I used spinach all last week, and began using kale today, and will continue for the rest of this week.

  2. Wow Tye if you are up to a 50/50 ratio you are doing GREAT!!!!! That's an amazing accomplishment so soon after starting on a green smoothie regimen. I'm proud of you.

    1. Thanks April. At first, it took me probably 5-6 hours to finish my first 50/50, but I slowly but surely am getting more and more accustomed to it.
