Thursday, May 31, 2012

Another successful DETOX day

Well it's another successful day in DETOXville and I'm so glad about it. I actually felt amazingly great today. I cut out the McDonald's Wild Berry smoothie (thanks to April Chapman) and ate pure fruit instead and boy oh boy...let me tell you. I believe if I was able to do everything from the toilet today, my body would have thanked me. I kept getting the urge to go and, well, I'm a teacher and I can't say to my students, "I'll be right back, be good", so what did I do? I prayed and squeezed my "cheeks" together, hoping that I could make it until I got home. Now that I'm home, I don't have to go. I hope I didn't stop the detoxing process for today because I work daily so I'm gonna have to try and "go" around it...if you know what I mean.

I had an appointment today in which I was able to weigh myself and I'm happy to report that I weigh 160 pounds; which is a great improvement from the 195 pounds that I weighed just 3 months ago.  The next time I weigh myself will be on the 20th day of my detox, so that I can compare my weight loss from now to then.

I took some more anecdotal notes based on the detoxification process:

  1. FORMULA #2 was still hard going down and I had to drink 2 bottles of water to make it happen. 
  2. I didn't experience the burning sensation in my bowels this time, but I'm not sure if that's good or not. 
  3. As I said earlier, I had to use the bathroom SOOOO MUCH, which felt awesommmmme but not when you can't release, know what I mean?
By the way, I received some gifts on yesterday and today: 
  • One of my sister's in Christ Janaan Robinson, mailed me the book "I Stand Amazed...How Chiropractic SAVED MY LIFE" by Geri L. Carlson.
  • Mrs. Geneva Jones (whose testimony I shared with you some posts back) bought me 2 books, the first is "the Juiceman's POWER of juicing" by Jay Kordich, and the second is "Juicing for Life" by Cherie Calbom and Maureen Keane.
I can't wait to read ALL of them, and I am so appreciative to both of these ladies for thinking about me. God continues to make this process easy, accessible, and did I say easy?

I'm getting ready to take my activated charcoal and head for the sheets. Even though I felt incredible earlier today, now, not so much. I'm still not sure if this is a result of my athletic ways at field day, or if this is the norm. Oh well, we'll see what happens on Day 3.  Until then...

Be blessed.

PLACES - was in Paterson, NJ, Riverdale, and then home
WEATHER - 80 degrees and above; mostly sunny and warm; I was outside just to get in and out of the car
CLOTHING - short sleeved shirt, pants, stockings, closed-toe shoes
FOODS - Pear, apple, grapes, salad (baby Kale, Spinach, and Chard), Red Wine Vinegar and Olive Oil Vinaigrette, another pear, more grapes, some strawberries, carrots, some more salad, herbal tea, and water
HEALTH -  energetic and feeling great for most of the day; then fatigued and once again achy - but the aches are in my legs, which I believe is due to my being a track star on yesterday

Day 2 of DETOX

1 day down, and 19 more to go. I just took FORMULA #1 and am ready to have victory over this day.

I noticed that I had a slight headache before going to bed last night, and I also had a lot of trouble sleeping:; I laid down in the bed right after my last post, tossed and turned for about an hour, then finally went to sleep. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with anything but I'm making observations.  I woke up this morning with a nice bowel movement that kept going, and going, and going and it felt good - it looked like baby and mushy...ok, ok, TMI.

It just dawned on me that this decision to detox only made sense: I went natural and cut off ALL OF MY HAIR a few years ago, and refused to use any chemicals in it, and my hair is the healthiest that it's been since I was a child. So detoxing my body and refusing to put chemicals and toxins in it, and nourishing it with fruits and veggies and "anything that doesn't have a pulse" will only make my insides healthy as well.

Another thing dawned on me last night that I am now officially a VEGETARIAN OR VEGAN (I'm not sure what the proper term to call me is but I'm sure someone will give me some insight). Never, ever, ever would I have ever thought that me...Tyeshia Hilbert...would ever give up her hot wings, steaks, and other juicy cuisine. I know, it seems like I'm having 2nd thoughts but believe me I'm not. I'm glad that I made this decision and I know it's paying off already.

Well, I'm off to work. Everyone have a blessed day and I will continue to keep you posted as I Journal Through my Healing.

Be blessed.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Activated's really charcoal!

I am drinking my tsp of activated charcoal in a glass of water as I type and it really is actual charcoal. It's odorless and tasteless, but definitely black...and crunchy (guess I didn't mix it completely).

Here are some pics - this is my bedtime formula...I just had to share before I go to bed.

1st Day of Detox a Success

Well, well, well, I have successfully completed my first day of detoxification (with the exception of the activated charcoal which I will do at bedtime) and it was not bad. Today is actually a day of many firsts:

  • it's the first day that I haven't eaten any meat in all of my years of nourishing myself.
  • it's the first day that I've drank so much water; I probably drank about twelve 16.9 fl.oz bottles and am not even done yet. The recommendation is to drink about half of your body size in water. For example if I weigh 150 pounds, I would divide that in half which would be 75 pounds. I would change the "pounds" to "ounces" and would need to drink at least 75 oz. in water daily. Well, if I do the math, I have drunk about 202 oz of water, which is the amount that a 400 pound person should drink. I hope there's no such thing as too much water.
  • I must have used the bathroom at least 15 times today (no exaggeration); 3 times were before I even left home; and no not all number 2, I would say that was about 6 out of the 15 (if it's TMI then ignore this minor detail ;-)
  • Those of you that know me, know that this bullet is an amazing accomplishment in and of itself - I AM TOTALLY STUFFED AND HAVE ONLY CONSUMED FRUITS, VEGGIES, A FRUIT SMOOTHIE, HERBAL TEA, AND WATER ALL DAY. Whewww! That is definitely a first, which proves that it can be done. 
I have to say that I woke up feeling energetic, and excited for the day, in my mind, body and soul. Now, not so much. We had field day today and I decided that I was going to run around with my 3rd graders, like a chicken with its head cut off, and on the 1st day of detox. Needless to say, I'm not as energetic as I was when I first started the day but besides feeling exhausted, I still feel pretty good.

I did take some anecdotal notes while going through the detoxification process today:
  1. Out of the 7 formulas, for some reason FORMULA #2 (cardiovascular) was a little hard going down; I wrote that I wasn't sure if this was normal or if it was because I had just raced forty-one 3rd graders and a teacher and won.
  2. Also after taking FORMULA #2, my bowels experienced a burning sensation (if TMI then ignore this detail as well). I will gauge what happens tomorrow and see if I'm experiencing the same feelings as today.
If anyone knows of an herbal/natural place in northern NJ that I can go to, please advise. I went to this "natural" spot in Passaic earlier today to see about getting some herbs and oils, and I'll stop short of sharing any more details, but after about a minute it was time for me to walk out of the door.

Well, I'm about to take it down as I am totally fatigued. I can't wait to begin the process all over again tomorrow and to claim victory once again.

I will continue to keep you posted as I Journal Through my Healing.

Be blessed.

PLACES - was in Paterson, NJ; returned home
WEATHER - 80 degrees and above; partly cloudy and cool; I was outside ALL DAY
CLOTHING - short sleeved T-shirt, jeans, stockings, sneakers
FOODS - McDonald's Wild Berry fruit smoothie, salad (baby Kale, Spinach, and Chard), Red Wine Vinegar and Olive Oil Vinaigrette, pear, grapes, herbal teas, water
HEALTH -  energetic until after field day then exhausted and achy; face beginning to clear up
ADDITIONAL - Today was field day and I was outside running around for most of the day

This is it...Day 1 of DETOX

Good morning all, well today is the beginning of a new, healthier me. How fitting it was that my Joyce Meyer devotional was entitled, Trusting Him Through the Process.  I am definitely trusting Him as He takes me through this process, as I know He's going through it with me. As per Dheuty, I broke my fast (from sleeping) with 2 glasses of "moving" water; I shook the bottle to make it move. At 7:00am I will take FORMULA #1 which is my Blood and Lymphatic formula. Next I will take FORMULA #2 at 10:00am which is my Cardiovascular formula. Following that, at 12:00pm I will take...yup, you guessed it FORMULA #3 for my Liver. FORMULA #4 is a formula for my Lungs and Respiratory, which I will take at 2:00pm. After that I will take FORMULA #5 at 5:00pm for my Kidneys-Bladder-Adrenal. Then FORMULA #6 at 7:00pm, which is designed...wait a minute, it's 7:00am and time for me to take my first Formula...they taste a little fishy...but they're down the hatch. As I was saying, FORMULA #6 is designed for my Colon and Digestive Tract and last but not least, at BEDTIME, I take my final FORMULA #7 which is activated Charcoal (Carbon) which I mix a teaspoon in my water and drink it.  I KID YOU NOT, AS I'M TYPING THIS I HEARD A NOISE IN THE KITCHEN AND WENT TO INVESTIGATE. SOMETHING WAS FALLING OUT OF THE GARBAGE BAG AND ONTO THE FLOOR. NOT JUST ANY SOMETHING, BUT A TINY PIECE OF STEAK THAT WAS ON MY HUSBAND'S PLATE FROM LAST NIGHT. It was like its last attempt to get me to change my mind but NOPE...I'm gonna see this through until the end and then continue from there.

I take a total of 30 pills a day; 5 for each Formula. Too much you think? Well, when I was on the doctor's prescriptions I was taking 12 different medications; 3 intravenously daily, and the other 9 consisted of lots and lots and lots of pills. If I could take them for naught, I can definitely consume 30 a day for health.

My lunch box is packed...I have a big, leafy salad for lunch, for breakfast I'm going to drink a fruit smoothie, then eat an apple and a pear; and I have cucumbers and carrots for snack. I will also drink a whole lot of water. Today is Field Day with my students so I'm going to be out in the heat but am looking forward to the challenge (we're gonna kick some 3rd grade butt too)...oh I'm sorry, I learned with my 4-year old niece over the weekend that, "If you have some fun, you've already won", and I taught that to my 3rd graders on yesterday so we're claiming our victory anyway; and I'm claiming my victory on my 1st day of detox.

I understand that this detoxification isn't the finish line but as April Chapman said to me, "the detox is the gateway to health not the final destination." So I am praying for the strength to complete this process and continue with a healthy life style, so that I can have a healthy, more productive life.

Oh and take a load of this...Last night I showed my husband my big, leafy salad for lunch, and he asked me to make him some. HAH!!! I put cheese on top of his with my Red Wine Vinegar and Olive Oil Vinaigrette salad dressing. He acted like he didn't like it but ate it allllll up (I gave him a big helping too). So, there's hope after all ;-)

I will journal later on today after I've consumed some more formulas, and will continue to share with you as I  Journal Through my Healing.

Be blessed.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It's Here! It's Here! It's Here!

OMG! I am soooooooo very excited. I feel like a kid in a candy store, or in my case an adult in an organic food store. I just arrived home from shopping for some fruits and veggies at Corrado's, and lo and behold THE PACKAGE which contains the beginning of a healthier me is here. MY FULL BODY HERBAL DETOX HAS ARRIVED!!!!! I didn't expect it to arrive so quickly.  It just so happens that while at Corrado's I picked up the regular; apples, grapes, strawberries, pears, watermelon, and celery but decided to get some organic items as well. So I got some organic herbal teas (Mango Green and Berry White), organic mixed baby Kales, organic baby Spinach, Kales and Chard mixed, and some all natural Red Wine Vinegar and Olive Oil Vinaigrette. I tell you, things are happening right on time and in such a divine order - my parents gave me their smoothie maker yesterday, and I will get their juicer this weekend and now my detox has arrived - I know that God has my back with this.  I'm getting ready to read the guide and familiarize myself with my detox schedule for the next 20 days.  I will be blogging every step of the way and taking pictures of myself daily in order to chart before, during and after. I am expecting GREAT RESULTS, inside and out.

I have mixed emotions right now but I know, "ain't nothin' too it but to do it".  Continue to keep me in prayer and I will continue to keep you posted on my progress. God is doing a new thing starting RIGHT NOW... well, I'll begin my detox tomorrow but you know what I mean.

Be blessed.

PLACES - was in Paterson, NJ; returned home
WEATHER - 91 degrees and above; sun shining brightly; I was outside just to get in and out of the car.
CLOTHING - short sleeved sweater, knee-length dress, stockings, closed toe shoes
FOODS - McDonald's Wild Berry fruit smoothie, banana, carrots, peanut butter, water, Pizza Hut's Supreme stuffed-crust pizza, buffalo wings, water
HEALTH -  tired and a little achy in my neck and back; noticeable pimples on face
ADDITIONAL - There was flooding in my classroom and school building when I came to work; very damp conditions with minimal odor

Monday, May 28, 2012

One Step Closer

Today I received some things that will make me one step closer...well, one and a-half steps closer to my goal of eating more healthy and detoxing my body. My parents gave me a smoothie maker and my first package of smoothie mix so I can begin making my own fruit smoothies at home, and I have the promise of their Jack Lalanne juicer that they're not using. Once I begin to use these gadgets, I will be more disciplined with regards to planning healthy meals and snacks, and having healthier options to carry with me on the go.

As we all know, this was Memorial Day weekend (Happy Memorial Day everyone) and there were a lot of folks having cook-outs; my family was no exception. My parents and cousins cooked out ALL WEEKEND and me and my husband joined them last night and today. Needless to say, I did not eat as healthy as I've been eating while at home. I did eat some fruits and vegetables, but not nearly the amount that my body has become accustomed to. In addition, I ate a lot of other foods like hot wings and fried fish, that are probably not the best choices. I will be back on track tomorrow but want to be able to eat healthy wherever I am. I believe that the smoothie machine and juicer will put me one step closer to this goal.

I am still awaiting my full body herbal detox to arrive in the mail, but want to get used to buying and preparing raw (uncooked) fruits, veggies, nuts, etc in order to prepare my body for this TOTAL DIET CHANGE. I don't want it to be a total shock when I'm forced to do it with the detox.  I'm not fully disciplined yet but am taking the necessary steps each and every day to get better. I will continue to keep you posted every step of the way.

My principal (the person that suggested that I begin this blog in the first place) suggested that I begin to keep a log of food eaten, places visited, weather, pollen count, and other details daily so that if my rash appears again, or if I begin to have similar symptoms as before, maybe I can find a pattern to the madness. In the meantime, I'm hoping that the detox will be the start of a healthier lifestyle therefore healthier life.  So at the end of my blog each day, I will be logging some daily details just as my own anecdotal notes.

Be blessed.
PLACES - was in Paterson, NJ; visited Macungie, PA; returned home
WEATHER - 88 degrees and above; sun shining brightly; I was outside for about 2 total hours
CLOTHING - short sleeved shirt, jeans rolled up to my knee, open toe shoes for most of the day then closed toe shoes
FOODS - banana, grits, salmon cakes, black coffee with sugar, lemonade, water, hot wings, baked beans, fried fish
HEALTH -  very tired and itchy but have been the last few days; noticeable pimples on face
ADDITIONAL - I used Bug Off while outside; bees and wasps visible but no known interaction

Saturday, May 26, 2012

I'm on the Verge of my BREAK-THRU

Have you ever felt like you were on the verge of something? Well, I know that I'm on the verge of a life-changing experience, and it seems like the closer and closer that I get to it, the more my body wants to go haywire.  Since I made the conscious decision to order the full body detox, my body has been going through changes - I've been more fatigued, I'm getting itchy all over, tiny bumps are forming, my ankles and feet are swelling, and I've been feeling flat out sick. I can recall points in my life when I knew something was about to occur, and as I approached closer and closer, the enemy wanted to do everything in his power NOT to allow me to my VICTORY. In hindsight, I recognize that it was at these hardest times in my life that God was about to do a new thing, about to bless me in a way like never before, that everything that could go wrong, started to...all to keep me from pressing on and forward to my blessing and in this case, my healing. This healing is going to open up so many doors that have been closed because my body wasn't ready, because my focus was on depression or ailments or circumstances, and because I just wasn't mentally, physically, spiritually, or emotionally capable of receiving what God wanted to give.  All of that is about to change...I can feel it and I'm determined to get what God has in store.

I may not have won every battle during this journey, but in the name of Jesus, I know that I'm going to win the war - I've already won and now I just have to persevere and travail until God brings it to fruition.  We often don't make it to our break-thru because when it's hard, we falter and fall and give up, but I am determined to get what God said I could have - and it will begin with this process of detoxing.

Those of you that have been praying, please continue to do so as I continue to pray for you. I will continue to Journal Through my Healing and will post updates every step of the way.

Be blessed.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Full Body Detox ordered...check

I am so very excited as I just completed my order for the full body herbal detox. It was recommended to me by April Chapman, the holistic nutritionist that I've been writing a lot about. I ordered it from  I uploaded this product information in one of my previous blog posts. I used my entire prescription budget allowance for this month but seeing as how I stopped taking all of my medication, and my husband won't be due for any refills anytime soon, this will work. It should arrive within 2 weeks so in the meantime, I will still be eating as many fruits and vegetables as I can. I am claiming that within 30 days I will be a new and improved person; inside and out. The entire detox takes 20 days...yes, within 20 days I should have a completely new set of insides (sounds weird, but they compare it to a computer getting a reboot). My body will be rebooted, which means I need to start learning quickly how to keep this new body clean.

I'll continue to keep you posted as I Journal Through my Healing.

Be blessed.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

And the VERDICT is in!

Drum roll please.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
are you still rolling the drum?...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
After year and years of searching, testing, questioning, testing, medicating, searching, testing, questioning, poking, prodding, more testing, and more testing, and more testing, I received "the phone call" at 5:43pm...the long awaited phone call to tell me what has been ailing me since 2006...the phone call to determine what the brilliant minds of 60 physicians came up with...the phone call that will determine the very name of the sickness that God is already healing me from. Are you ready for it??????? Well here it goes...

After driving to Philadelphia and being researched by medical minds from all walks of life, this is what all of them with the exception of one doctor, has discovered....are you sure you're ready for it????????????????????

Ok, Ok, Ok...the VERDICT is...that I'm a mystery and that they can't quite figure out what's wrong with me. Yep, that's what they said. One doctor is still sticking with his theory that it's a systemic reaction from a reoccurring bug bite but no other doctor is buying that story. So that's it... after all of this time of being a mystery, I am still just that.

When I received that phone call, I had to flat out laugh on the phone. If I would have received this news, in this way, about 6 months ago, I would be no more good and would have fleeted into an instant depression. But God has been increasing my faith throughout this process and I know that this NON-VERDICT proves just how fearfully and wonderfully made I am; I know that if God wanted those medical minds to figure me out, He would have given them the wherewithal to do just that. But since He didn't, that just further proves that it doesn't matter what it's called, God is going to heal, deliver, and set my body free from whatever it is. Then the doctor asked me if I felt like the medication was helping. I told her no and then she advised me not to come off of it just yet. Little does she know that I've already taken myself off of the medication last week, and that I'm not going back on it or any other drug for that matter. Oh but this is the kicker...they have no idea what it is that has been plaguing my body for 6 years, but they have a regiment of medication that they believe I should start taking in order to "feel better". Yes...I am serious. But guess what?! I refuse to do that as well. I am scheduled to go back July 6th and the way I feel at this moment, I won't be doing that either. You know what, I may take that back because I am claiming that I will feel totally different in 30 days, so in 60 days I believe I'm going to feel better than I've ever felt; so I may go to this appointment as a living testament to the healing power of my Father, and to show all of those doctors just how great I'm doing without medication or the expertise of man.

God is so good and faithful and I'm excited about what He's doing. He is using this sickness and healing experience to propel me closer and further along in Him, and I'm enjoying and looking forward to all He has in store.  I'll continue to keep you posted on my detoxing process as I continue to Journal Through my Healing - I'M ALMOST HEALED Y'ALL :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Be blessed.

The Duhring Case Conference

I am back home from "the conference" and I must say that it was an interesting experience. The Duhring Case Conference is a program designed for Dermatology physicians, residents and fellows. According to their website, at the end of the conference, participants (the doctors) should be able to:

  • Diagnose patients with rare, difficult to diagnose and/or treat skin conditions
  • Suggest work-up or treatment of patients with resistant skin disease
  • Apply from the presentation of patients with rare dermatosies
  • Explore methods to improve health care quality through shared expertise
  • Facilitate communication among physicians and trainees
  • Gain consensus regarding the best management, thereby reducing medical errors or unnecessary tests or treatments

When I first arrived, there was a sign-in sheet for each participant, and there were 4 patients in all, including myself. We all sat in the waiting room and I'm telling you I felt like we were the mutants from the movie "X-Men", all awaiting to show our mystical scars. We were called into the back one-by-one and placed in individual patient rooms. I signed a release authorizing my name, pictures, and any information about me to be released.  Once this was done, a doctor came in and took pictures of what was left of my 2 rashes. I then forwarded 13 pictures from my phone, of my flared rash and swelling, and another doctor created a Power Point slide that looped on the computer the entire time I was there. At 8:30am sharp, the doctors began to make their rounds.  There must have been between 60-70 doctors total that came around to my room, picked up a handout outside of the door which was a typed biography about my symptoms and history of my rashes, and proceeded to look at the Power Point slides. Everyone that came in was ready to poke and prod at my their dismay (some of them were sorely disappointed) I didn't have any active lesions. What did they expect?! My rashes surfaced at the beginning of April and this is the end of May - did they expect them to linger around forever? They typically last between 4-6 weeks. One doctor offered his expertise and thought my illness could be the result of a systemic reaction to bug bites. All of the doctors asked a host of questions such as do you wear shorts and skirts; are you often in the sun?; do the rashes appear anywhere else besides your legs?; do they itch?; do they hurt?; what medications have I been on? I MADE A POINT TO ADD THAT I STILL HAD THE SAME SYMPTOMS AFTER BEING ON MEDICATION FOR ALMOST A YEAR. And many, many, many other questions that I can't quite remember.  At 10:00am sharp, all of the doctors stopped, walked away, and couldn't be heard anymore. A nurse came around and told us that all had been completed, and that we could go home...just like that.  So, my doctor took my phone number in order to call me once a "verdict" had been reached and I went home. The next step was for the doctors to deliberate, put their brilliant medical minds together, and see what diagnosis they believe each patient has been suffering with. I'll await the phone call and will update you at that time.  Until then, I'm going to take a nap.

Be blessed.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I can't be LUKEWARM anymore...

We were just talking in church on Sunday about being either HOT or COLD, but that if we're LUKEWARM, God will "spew" us out of His mouth. Well, I think it's time for me to take this advice with my decision to detox. This eating fruits and vegetables for most of the day (HOT), and eating a mixture of food in the evening (LUKEWARM) isn't working. Case in point? One of our teachers was given a surprise party by her students and they brought me down a cupcake to celebrate. Now, some of my students gave me 2 cupcakes earlier this week for another student's birthday and I purposely didn't eat them because, well, I'm on the verge of detoxing. Those cupcakes sat on my table until my two little sisters came and ate them yesterday. So why didn't I take that same stance today. So, because the cupcake was in celebration of one of my teacher-friends, I said, "I'm gonna tear this bad boy up" and so I did...but it tore me up. Immediately after taking two bites, my body was yelling at me to stop but I figured, I had already eaten this much so I may as well finish it off. BIG MISTAKE!! I got an instant headache and my insides felt like they were cussing me out, and I knew that I could no longer eat anything else like that. Then it dawned on me that all of this half stepping isn't going to work. I've stopped all of my medication, and am going to the doctor's conference tomorrow so there's really nothing standing in my way except my own fear. Fear of what? God hasn't given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. Well, truth be told, I believe I'm fearful of all of that good eating that I think I'll be giving up. But I need to remember the words in one of my previous posts, "I'm not living to eat, I'm eating to live" (thanks Mrs. Jones). So with this new revelation of an old fact, I'm going to completely begin my detox next week.  I'm going to order the full body herbal detox on Friday (pay-day), wait for it to arrive in the mail, and then begin. In the meantime, I will continue to eat fruits and vegetables for the majority of the day, and fruits and vegetables for dinner as well...I may include a baked meat but DEFINITELY NO SWEETS OR OTHER THINGS that I know my body will "spew" out.

Tomorrow I attend the conference and I'm kind of anxious to see how it's going to be; to watch the doctors' reactions to my pics, test results, and history. I don't believe I'll receive a verdict tomorrow but I can't wait for whatever the diagnosis is or isn't to be CRUSHED by the HEALING POWER OF THE LORD.

I will fill you in tomorrow.

Be blessed.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Trip Down Memory Lane

I know I've been speaking a lot about how I believe God and how He's going to heal me, but I just need to take a trip down memory lane, and give God thanks for what He's already done.  Let me share some more details with you...

  • 2006 - I went on a camping trip with my 5th grade students and we were in the sticks. Shortly after that, my husband and I traveled to visit his brother in Alabama, and once again we were in the sticks. My first rash appeared shortly after these trips. When I went to the dermatologist, they referred me to the infectious disease doctor Dr. Macapinlac, as they speculated that it could be a rash due to Lyme's Disease; which made sense at the time because ticks linger in the woods. This began the first round of blood work, accompanied with my first overnight stay in the hospital when I had to have a spinal tap test done. All blood work came back negative for Lyme's Disease, but the doctor didn't want to take any chances so he started me on the antibiotic used to treat Lyme's Disease, Doxycycline (especially since I had pain in my neck and back). After a round of treatment, if my memory serves me right, along with the use of a topical steroidal cream, the rash went away.
  • 2008 - At the end of June, the rash from 2006 returned the same exact location (lower left leg). I went to the dermatologist once again, and again they figured that it was a rash due to Lyme's Disease. So I returned to the same infectious disease doctor again, who again took blood work and again started me on Doxycycline. This time, accompanied with the rash was intense pain from my knees down to my toes, in my neck and back, and swelling in my feet and ankles. This caused grave concern for the doctor as these symptoms are common in patients with Lyme's Disease. He started me on another round of Doxycycline, hoping that this would alleviate the didn't work. Now he decided to put me on an intravenous antibiotic, in which I had to come to his office daily for a half hour. After 3 weeks of taking this IV med, the rash began to go away and the joint pain went away.
  • 2010 - You guessed it...the rash is back and in the same location. We bypassed the dermatologist and went straight to the infectious disease doctor, who this time referred me to a rheumatologist - all previous and current blood word for Lyme's Disease had been negative, and who ever heard of Lyme's Disease rashes reoccurring without being bit over and over again?!  Well, one rash wasn't enough this time. I ended up with not one, not two, but three rashes.  Did the joint pain return you ask? Oh yeah and with a vengeance this time. The joint pain wasn't only in my neck, back and lower legs, but in my entire body.  Let's fast forward to the rheumatologist - after rounds of testing and questioning, the rheumatologist said, and I quote, "I'm not sure what's going on with you but I guarantee you that you don't have an auto-immune disease".  My primary care doctor completed the referral for me to see him after she thought there was a possibility of me having Lupus.  I remember sitting in a restaurant with my husband, sharing the news with him that there was a possibility of me having an auto-immune disease and we both sat at the table and cried. It was at this moment that I prayed and asked God to heal my body, because I didn't want my husband to have to take care of me...he had been taking care of his mom and dad for as long as I could remember and I didn't want him to now have a sick wife to take care of. 
  • June 2011 - At the end of June (the time that these rashes have always appeared) another rash (yep, in the same spot) appeared once again along with the joint pain and swelling. This time I went to my primary care doctor, that referred me back to dermatology who looked at it and said "Lupus" and  immediately referred me to rheumatology...again.  This time my primary care doctor recommended Dr. Rosenstein, and when I called his office, he didn't have an opening until October...yes, October. I kept calling and calling and calling, hoping to get an appointment sooner. I got a call stating that another doctor in the practice, Dr. Suleman Bhana,  had an opening in July - I took it. Then about a week later, I received a call stating that they had an even earlier appointment so I took it.
  • August 2011 - My husband and I traveled to the Bahamas and within a day, I had not one rash, not two, not three...but EIGHT RASHES. Needless to say, the sun didn't do wonders for my skin.  Dr. Bhana had done GOO-GOBS of testing and actually called me while we were on our way home from the Bahamas to let me know his thoughts...they weren't good. 
  • October 2011  - Things got MUCH, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH WORSE. Dr. Bhana referred me to Dr. Werth, a rheumatologist/dermatologist for her expertise (the doctor in Philly). By this time I was on 12 different medications, including steroids (which caused me to gain 65 pounds), IV drugs, and several others. I was seeing another infectious disease doctor Dr. French, who took me out of work on disability because I was barely functioning. By this time, I could barely stand up straight or walk.
  • December 2011 - I was sitting on the choir stand in church, in pain and barely able to move and I heard the voice of the Lord so clearly say to me, "If you want your healing, stand up." I started to dispute this because in my physical body I could barely stand but then I realized that "faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen. So, I said yes to the Lord, and stood up. And at that very moment, I was able to clap my hands, stomp my feet, and move like I hadn't been able to move in months. In that very moment, I felt healed. And though God hadn't said, "you are healed, take up thy bed and walk", I knew that it was a precursor of what was to come. 
  • HERE WE ARE NOW...on the verge of my healing, waiting with expectancy and believing that God is going to do just as He did when He told me to stand up if I wanted my healing. I stood up then and I'm standing up now...not trusting and believing in the doctors, but trusting and believing in what my Father said that I could have.


Monday, May 21, 2012

So far so fruity good

I've been eating mostly fruits and vegetables for a week now and so far so good. I must be clear - I am not eating ONLY fruits and veggies yet; I am eating fruits and veggies throughout the day, and with my dinner I eat veggies and a meat. Oh and I try my best not to eat anything after 6 and I only drink water, water, and more water. I love to eat so the fact that I can eat all of the fruits and vegetables that I want, sounds good to me. Do I feel any differently? It's hard to say...accept for the fact that I love the fact of eating healthier. Also considering the fact that I stopped taking all medication last week, I have to say I do feel more like "Tyeshia". Imagine how I'll feel once God totally restores, cleanses, and heals.

I go to the infamous "conference" in Philly this Thursday, and though I'm not doing things their way, I'm curious to see what their perceived outcome is. I have to bring pictures of my rashes, past and present, along with blood work, and other testing. If a diagnosis comes out of this, then when I clearly testify about my COMPLETE and TOTAL HEALING, I'll have a name to claim healing from. If I'm still a mystery after the conference, then I know that God didn't mean for them to "figure" anything out, and my testimony will still be sure because though all of the medical brains in the world couldn't crack the code so to speak, the One who fearfully and wonderfully made me will get ALL OF THE CREDIT AND GLORY from my story.

To God be the glory in advance because I feel a shift and a move and I'm just trusting Him throughout. As always I appreciate the continued prayers, encouraging words and support. I'll continue to keep you posted as I Journal Through...and I do mean THROUGH my healing.

Be blessed.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Eating Fruit the Right Way

So far I'm doing well with the whole fruit and veggy initiative. I ate a pear on the way to work today, and ate some cherries and strawberries when I first arrived, up until it was time for me to bring my students in. I drank water throughout but started to notice how weak and hungry I felt. So I snuck in a grape here and there and immediately my energy returned. I usually don't condone eating in the classroom which is why I snuck it in without my students noticing. The next thing I knew, it was time for lunch (which is actually breakfast being that my lunch is at 11:25am). I proceeded to eat some more grapes, cherries and strawberries, and then decided to eat 2 celery sticks as well; oh, I put peanut butter on the celery sticks for some flavor. I looked up peanut butter on-line last night and despite the fact that it has some bad ingredients, many sources insist that it's good for you, so until I hear anything differently, I'll continue to eat my celery like that. Does anyone else remember being served "ants on a log" in grammar school; where the teacher would provide celery sticks, put peanut butter on them, and then add raisins on top? Ummmm hmmm yummy yummy yummy to my tummy tummy tummy LOL. I know that fruit should be eaten on an empty stomach or at least an hour after eating, so I'll drink room temperatured water until about 1pm then will sneak in some more fruit.

A lot of people are not aware of the right way to eat fruit...yes, there's a right way and healthy way to eat anything. I'm pasting below an article from Dr. Oz, that I received a few weeks ago and it enlightened me, and I hope that it enlightens you and encourages you to change some bad habits.

Be blessed

DR. OZ on eating fruit
Wow. This is truly enlightening
Read on.

This is informative!

We all think eating fruit means just buying fruit, cutting it up and popping it into our mouths. It's not that easy. It's important to know how and whento eat fruit.

What's the correct way to eat fruit?


Eating fruit like that plays a major role in detoxifying your system, supplying you with a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities.

Let's say you eat two slices of bread, then a slice of fruit. The slice of fruit is ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines, but it's prevented from doing so.

In the meantime, the whole meal rots and ferments, and turns to acid. The minute the fruit comes into contact with the food in the stomach, and digestive juices, the entire mass of food begins to spoil.

Eat your fruit on an empty stomach,or before your meal! You've heard people complain: Every time I eat watermelon I burp, when I eat durian my stomach bloats, when I eat a banana I feel like running to the toilet, etc. This will not happen if you eat the fruit on an empty stomach. Fruit mixes with the putrefying other food and produces gas. Hence, you bloat!

There's no such thing as some fruits, like orange and lemon are acidic, because all fruit becomes alkaline in our body, according to Dr. Herbert Shelton who did research on this matter. If you have mastered the correct way of eating fruit, you have the Secret of Beauty, Longevity, Health, Energy, Happiness and normal weight.

When you need to drink fruit juice drink only freshfruit juice, NOT the concentrated juice from the cans. Don't drink juice that has been heated. Don't eat cooked fruit; you don't get the nutrients at all. You get only the taste. Cooking destroys all of the vitamins.

Eating a whole fruit is better than drinking the juice. If you should drink the juice, drink it mouthful by mouthful slowly, because you must let it mix with your saliva before swallowing it. You can go on a 3-day fruit-fast to cleanse your body. Eat fruit and drink fruit juice for just 3 days, and you will be surprised when your friends say how radiant you look!

KIWI: Tiny but mighty, and a good source of potassium, magnesium, vitamin E and fiber. Its vitamin C content is twice that of an orange!

AN APPLE a day keeps the doctor away? Although an apple has a low vitamin C content, it has antioxidants and flavonoids which enhances the activity of vitamin C, thereby helping to lower the risk of colon cancer, heart attack and stroke.

STRAWBERRY:Protective Fruit. Strawberries have the highest total antioxidant power among major fruits and protect the body from cancer-causing, blood vessel-clogging free radicals.

EATING 2 - 4 ORANGES a day may help keep colds away, lower cholesterol, prevent and dissolve kidney stones, and reduce the risk of colon cancer.

WATERMELON: Coolest thirst quencher. Composed of 92% water, it is also packed with a giant dose of glutathione, which helps boost our immune system. Also a key source of lycopene, the cancer-fighting oxidant. Also found in watermelon: Vitamin C and Potassium.

GUAVA & PAPAYA: Top awards for vitamin C. They are the clear winners for their high vitamin C content. Guava is also rich in fiber, which helps prevent constipation. Papaya is rich in carotene, good for your eyes.

Drinking Cold water after a meal = Cancer!

Can you believe this? For those who like to drink cold water, this applies to you. It's nice to have a cold drink after a meal, however, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you've just consumed, which slows digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

A serious note about heart attacks.


Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw. You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. Sixty percent of people who have a heart attack while they're asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Be careful, and be aware. The more we know, the better our chance to survive.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Going Coo-Coo for Fruit

Ok, so today I went to Corrado's after work and stocked up on fruit, fruit, and more fruit. When I walked into the store, the bananas were staring me in the face and I started to pick up a bunch, but then I was reminded of the bunch that's still sitting on top of my refrigerator rotting (speaking of which, let's throw them away shall we?). Wait a minute...before I even walked into the store, watermelons were awaiting me; pink, sweet, and ready to eat. So I bought a quarter sized one and a half of one, remembering that my husband consumed the other half that I bought just a few days earlier. So in my basket currently I have watermelon and...well...that's it. Gotta get more fruit. So I continue pushing the cart and a host of springy fruit pop into view. So I begin plucking out pears, grapes, peaches,, let's put the mangoes back (I'm not quite sure how to pick these), apples, strawberries, more pears, and last but sweetly not least, cherries. So I'm ready to make fruit and veggies a major part of my daily food consumption. Oh yeah, I also picked up some celery. So as I was saying, I'm ready to make fruit and veggies a major part of my daily consumption. Even though I'm not at the point of totally detoxing yet, I want to gradually get used to the idea of eating only fruits and vegetables.

I am still currently on one of my twelve medications Plaquenil, which I am taking myself off of shortly and surely (no, not slowly but surely). Why keep taking a drug that supposedly takes 2 months to begin working, and though it's been in my system since October, I am still experiencing the SAME SYMPTOMS that I was prior,  which is what caused the doctor to prescribe it in the first place. I called my pharmacy to ask how to wean off of this med and her first question to me was, "uhh, does your doctor know that you plan on stopping it?" I politely answered her, "hmph, I've been on this medication since October and am experiencing the same symptoms as I was when I began taking it, therefore, I am taking control of my own health." I felt pretty good about saying that. So she looked in the computer to see what the proper way is for weaning off of this medication and then she placed me on hold. Of course I thought she was speaking with a senior pharmacist that would later come on the phone and advise me not to stop the meds without first having it authorized by my physician but to my surprise, that's not what happened at all.  She came back on the phone and said that she didn't see any research showing that I needed to wean off. Of course my next question was, "you mean I can just stop taking it cold turkey?" She hesitated a little and then recommended that I start taking 1 pill as opposed to the 2 that I'm prescribed to take, and then in a few days, to start skipping a day and then finally stop. As she's talking, my mind drifts off as I'm puzzled as to how I can just stop taking a drug that supposedly took 2 months to kick in, and I can just stop taking it like that? Amazing! So I thanked her for her service and hung up...I'm not taking that pill anymore starting NOW! There...I've said it. 

I'm still debating whether or not I'm going to take the slow road and just begin incorporating more and more fruit and vegetables into my diet until that's all I eat, or do the full body herbal detox product that I talked about in my previous post. I am asking God to direct me in this decision but I know that DETOXING IS THE WAY TO GO. Why keep wasting money on prescriptions to treat an unknown illness, and not see any results?! I've always tried it the doctors' way and now I'm going to do it the natural way. What do I have to lose?! Nothing that I can think of except numerous doctors' visits, hundreds of miles in gas, thousands of dollars in prescriptions, and pain, worry, fatigue and frustration.  I believe that I have everything to gain and I plan on doing just that, in Jesus' name.

I will continue to keep you posted as I journal through my healing.  For the first official time, I believe I'm journaling THROUGH my healing and not just about it.  I know that victory awaits me on the other side. I made a promise that I would do something significant once I am totally and completely healed with no sign of an auto-immune disease and when I get to that place, I'm going to follow through with what I said.

Be the way, I already packed some cherries, strawberries, celery and grapes to take with me to work tomorrow, and will eat a pear on the way to work.

Thank you for your continued prayers, encouragement, and support as I continue to Journal THROUGH my Healing.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


First and foremost, Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers; I hope that you all had a wonderful day. I was able to spend some quality time with my mom, dad, niece, grandma, and other family members today, and we truly had a blessed's nothing like being with family.

I also had the chance to have an intense talk with a close friend of the family, who's like an aunt to me, Mrs. Geneva Jones, and she was enlightening me about her journey of healing. She had a huge Polyp on her colon which needed to be removed, otherwise she may not be here to tell her story. She gave so many more details that really had an impact on me but my memory is horrible, so I am highlighting the parts that I remember, and I've asked her to comment on anything I've missed, make any corrections, or feel free to add as she sees fit.

She had to have an intense surgery to cut open her colon, and remove the Polyp.  Once this Polyp was removed (which wasn't cancerous praise God), she tried to return to her regular diet of meat, potatoes, veggies, salad, and all of that good stuff. Well, needless to say when she tried to eat meat or even salad for that matter, it made her soooo sick that her body was writhing with pain, almost as if she had never had the surgery to begin with. Her doctor explained to her that she wouldn't be able to eat as she had previously, as he likened her colon to that of an open wound. When you bruise yourself, as it heals it creates a scar; well as her colon healed, eating "regular" foods was like slicing through the scars, opening up the wound again and again. This was a pivotal point for Mrs. Jones and she sought the advice of a nutritionist, who told her that she needed to detox her body by eating NOTHING BUT FRUITS AND VEGETABLES.  She made the conscious decision to do just that. She said that she asked the doctor to tell her how she would know when her body had reached the point of detox, and he told her that her body would let her know. So, she began her journey of detoxification; eating NOTHING BUT FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, and began to juice these things as well. As her body began to detox, she began to lose a significant amount of weight and reached her lowest weight of 81 pounds, but then something happened...when she reached the 30 day mark, she says that she was awakened in the middle of the night with what felt like a "jump-start"; she compared it to the jump starting of a car, and said that her body went through this same experience as if it was coming alive again, as her cells had become new and her "new" body was ready to take life.  Her journey of detoxification took 3 months but after the toxins were completely out of her body, she began to feel great and continued eating ONLY FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, and has been doing this for the last 5 this means that she has been healed for 5 years now, and she looks great (take it from me), and her words are that she feels great.

I've been hearing this same message about detoxing and I've been looking into the "right" way for me to begin this journey as well. I believe I'll try to do what Mrs. Jones truly worked for her and those of us that know her, knows that she's a living testimony. It may seem hard to give up all of that great food like steak, and burgers, and fish and chicken (yes, even fish and chicken), and eat just fruits and veggies but I am determined to find a way that works.  Let's look at it this way - 1) I have been suffering with an unknown illness since 2006; 2) which takes the form of rashes and joint pain; 3) and has progressively worsened over the past year; 4) I was on a total of 12 medications from June 2011 to January 2012; 5) I was out of work from October 2011 to January 2012, due to the extreme pain, fatigue, and immobility; 6) I weaned down to 9 medications in January 2012; 7) I weaned down to 5 medications as of March 2012; 8) I took myself off of an anti-depressant a couple of weeks ago as I refused to keep taking medications just because; 9) Presently I'm on 1, yes 1 medication that I've been on since October 2011, which was supposed to be the "wonder drug" for auto-immune diseases, and was expected to take care of my joint pain and, oh yeah, my rashes; 10) LO AND BEHOLD two rashes returned in April of this year and what accompanied them? You guessed it...joint pain and swelling...the odds are against me so what do I have to lose?! I've been taking foreign drugs by mouth, intravenously, and topically and to no avail. IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE.

To top things off, I spoke with my cousin today and she has to take blood tests tomorrow to see if she has an auto-immune disease as well. She has been going through her own medical journey through uncharted territory as well and guess what? The doctors have no idea what's going on with her either. She said, "maybe it's what we're eating". So, I told her about the info that I've received from April Chapman and Mrs. Jones, and she asked me to keep her informed and maybe we'll detox together.   Even my mom said that when I begin my journey of detox, SHE'LL DO IT WITH ME. If that's not a support system, I don't know what is.

There's no right or wrong way to do it, but at this point, it seems imperative that I do it. I go to "the conference" on the 24th of this month, where a team of doctors are supposed to evaluate my symptoms, blood work, and biopsy results, and make a collaborative determination of what they believe is going on. Even with their knowledge and medical expertise, I am determined to live and not die so whatever their diagnosis, I know that my healing doesn't lie with man-made medicines, so I'm determined to do things differently and to do things better (which happens to be our theme for our church this year).  I'm going to include my body in this mix and begin an approach on taking care of it better. Once I begin, hopefully my husband will get on board as well as I know we both want to live better, think better, feel better, and just be better...I believe this will be a start in the right direction for both of us.

I'll continue to journal as I go through this healing process because I am determined to be healed, in the name of Jesus. He said I could have it, and I believe He's going to do it, and He didn't give me any particular way of how I was going to get it, but I know it's coming. So with all of that being said...

Be blessed.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Conference Confirmed

Ok, I received the call from my rheumatologist/dermatologist specialist in Philadelphia, confirming my appointment for May 24th. A team of doctors from all over will look at my skin, look at my pictures, bloodwork, and all other data that's been collected since 2006, and will put all of their brilliant minds together and try to determine a diagnosis. I know that all of the brain power in the world won't matter unless God chooses to open up their understanding, and allows them to diagnose. My prayer is that this visit and their efforts won't be in vain. I know that God is moving and I'm asking that His will be done. I will continue to keep you posted. In the meantime, Be Blessed.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I'm Just Thankful

Greetings all,

I am just so thankful to God for strengthening me to do all that I needed to do on this day, and for maintaining my joy, peace, and love throughout. I know that God is up to something GREAT and I'm just thanking Him in advance.

I received a phone call while at work, asking if I'd be willing to work on another musical project. Of course I feel so blessed to be considered. Despite what I may be going through, feeling, or experiencing, God is showing me DAILY that He's in the midst of it all, and that HE GOT ME!  What an awesome, mighty, glorious, marvelous, spectacular, long-suffering, loving, gracious, merciful, didn't-have-to-do-it-but-He-did God we serve! I am in awe of His goodness.

With all of the good things going on around me, who has time to focus on the negatives?! So with that being said...

Be blessed.

Monday, May 7, 2012

I'm DETERMINED to focus on the POSITIVES

God is a good God (yes He is),

God is a good God (yes He is),
God is a good God (yes He is),
God is a good God (yes He is),
Yes He is (yes He is)

Yes He is (yes He is)
Yes He is (yes He is)
Yes He is (yes He is)
I know He is (I know He is)

I know He is (I know He is)
I know He is (I know He is)
I know He is (I know He is)
God is a good God (yes He is)
Oh God is a good God (yes He is)

God is so faithful and continues to show me that I have His favor. One of my brothers in Christ asked me if I had any songs for our upcoming Vacation Bible School (our church has done our own material for the past 2 years and God had previously blessed me with the songs for it). I said that I would ask God to give me some songs, and asked for the theme and how many. He gave me the theme and told me how many songs he would like and INSTANTANEOUSLY God began to give me a song. I recorded it and sent it to him and he said that it was great and that he was snapping his fingers to it.

I know that if God is able to move that quickly on a song request for Vacation Bible School, that He's able to do exceeding abundantly above all I can ask or think.

I'm trusting God to do the impossible, to do the unthinkable, and to do the unimaginable and I KNOW HE WILL.

Be blessed.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

I REBUKE the devil in the NAME OF JESUS

Let me tell you just how mad the devil is...he is so mad that he's spitting out fire balls. See, he knows that I claimed my healing and my victory on yesterday and not just me, but all of the ladies that were present at the Mother/Daughter breakfast. We're trusting God, believing Him, and walking in our miracle. So now the devil is pulling out all of the stops. I'm not sure how he's affecting everyone else, but my body has been haywire all day; I'm feeling pains that I haven't felt in months. But guess what?! MY GOD IS STILL ABLE IN ALL THINGS AND I STILL TRUST HIM, BELIEVE HIM, AND CLAIM MY VICTORY AND MY HEALING.

The message that came forth in service today by our very own Evangelist Sarah Anthony, was about Zacchaeus, and how he climbed a sycamore tree to get a good look at Jesus. By the time his encounter was over, he was saved. She said that Zacchaeus had to get in position to be blessed by God and that's what I'm doing and the devil is fighting mad.

Speaking of fights, Evangelist also made reference to the Mayweather vs. Cotto boxing match last night. She said that she saw that thang in the spiritual and it was like the devil (Cotto) was trying to make Mayweather waiver, stay on the ropes, and lose his stance. But Mayweather went the whole 12 rounds (there's that reference of the number 12 the woman that had the issue of blood for 12 years). He may have weebled and wobbled but he didn't fall down and guess what?! Neither will we if we hold fast to God and get in a position to receive our blessing, and keep pressing because "there's a miracle in the press" (Pastor Lilisa Mimms).

I'm still pressing and I hope you are too, despite how I feel or how things is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. God is showing me enough proof to let me know that He's in the midst of what's going on and HE WILL GET THE GLORY, AND I WILL HAVE A TESTIMONY...and so will you.

Be blessed.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Hello all,

My church, Grace Gospel Church, located on 40 Pearl Street in Paterson, NJ, where my pastor is Reverend Yvoma Butler, hosted our annual Mother/Daughter breakfast this morning at the Brownstone. Let me just tell you...God was in the building.  Throughout, I kept hearing a voice telling me to leave early, there's nothing left to stay for, you've eaten already, and I'm glad that I ignored the voice of Satan and "pressed" on.

The speaker was Pastor Lilisa Mimms, Pastor at New Beginnings Christian Outreach Ministries, in Paterson, NJ.  Let me just tell you...through her the Holy Spirit showed up and showed out. She spoke about the woman who had the issue of blood for 12 years and that at her 12th year, she was determined to get to Jesus, and knew that if she just touched the helm of His garment, that she would be healed. Pastor Mimms said that this is 2012 and that there's a miracle in the press. She said that we have pressed our way through sickness, financial difficulty, rocky marriages, and hard-to-deal-with children but that there's a miracle in the press.  She called up 4 different straight lines - those in need of financial break through, those in need of healing (I was in both of these lines - my finger was out-stretched to the healing line as I couldn't be in 2 places at once), those with rocky marriages, and those that needed prayer for their children. She told us to repeat after her in a loud voice, "I believe God, I believe God, I believe God, I believe God", and then we acknowledged that faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen. We were to declare that God is able in all things, and we were to proclaim our victory and our miracle that God was healing ALL OF OUR ISSUES right now. She said that by this time next year, if we believe that God is able to do it and that it's already done, that we should have a testimony of victory. She also said that this is our year for greatness.  

I believe God and even through my belief and prayer, Satan was still planting seeds of doubt and I was rebuking him the whole time. My God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. My spiritual father Michael Butler also said to my husband and I a few months ago, that by next year, we were going to look back and be able to laugh.  Today was confirmation of that to me. 

So with that said, I'm thanking God in advance for my healing, for our victory, and that we WILL have a testimony by next year.  If you're going through a struggle, and have faith that God is moving within your issue, then I'm believing that same miracle for you as well. Keep me in prayer as I pray for all of you.

Be blessed.

Friday, May 4, 2012

University of Penn Take 3

Greetings all, I know it's been awhile since I've posted and I apologize for that. I'm realizing more and more how much of a blessing this blog has been, not only to me, but to those of you that are following. So I will be sure to continue to post more often than not.

Well, I went to the rheumatologist/dermatologist in Philly again today and I got the results of my skin biopsy back. Just in case you don't read the ENTIRE POST TODAY AS IT IS QUITE LENGTHY, the next step that the doctor has scheduled is for me to take part in their next conference in 2 weeks. I will basically be the discussion piece where doctors from all over attend, they will ask me questions, look at my rash, discuss my history, with the hope that with all of their medical brains and research being in one arena, someone will be able to diagnose this 6 year mystery.

I am going to share in detail what she said to me BUT JUST KNOW THAT IN SPITE OF THE COULD BE'S OR NOT, I STILL TRUST GOD!

So the biopsy report says the following verbatim, 
Microscopic Description:
Leg, left - Multiple initial and deeper levels have been cut and examined on this punch biopsy specimen. The epidermis shows basal layer pigmentation and focal areas of parakeratosis. In the dermis, there is a superficial and deep perivascular inflammatory infiltrate composed predominately of lymphocytes. Rare eosinophils are noted. The dermis demonstrates slightly increased mucin deposition, which is highlighted with colloidal iron staining. A PAS stain is performed, does not demonstrate fungal organisms, and does not show thickening of the basement membrane. Overall, the histologic findings are those of a superficial and deep perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate, which are features suggestive of a gyrate erythema.  Erythema chronica migrans and tumid lupus erythematosus are also considered in the histologic differential diagnosis. Clinical correlation is recommended. This case has been reviewed at the Dermatopathology Consensus Conference.
Leg, left (Skin) : Punch
     Clinical Diagnosis:     ANNULAR ERYTHEMA
     Clinical Description:  Pt with probable sjrogens and annula erythema
     Gross Description:    Received in a formalin-containing bottle is a cylindrical piece of skin and adipose  
                                     tissue measuring 0.3 by 0.3 by 0.3 cm. The specimen is bisected and submitted 
                                     entirely in a single cassette. Due to shrinkage, measurements may be different than 
                                     those at time of procedure. 

So what does this all mean? According to the doctor, it could be "tumid lupus erythematosus", which is a form of Lupus. My rashes aren't typical of a Lupus rash, but the arthritis and joint pain that I experience in conjunction with these rashes could support this diagnosis. Consequently, the description of this diagnosis has EXACT wording that was noted in my biopsy results. I am attaching information about this diagnosis from the following website, below.

Tumid lupus erythematosus.


Department of Dermato ogy, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA.


Tumid lupus erythematosus (TLE) is a variant of cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Most patients who present with these skin lesions are young women. The condition clinically resembles polymorphous light eruption, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), reticulated erythematous mucinosis, or gyrate erythema. Histopathologically, the lesions resemble classic lupus erythematosus because of their superficial and deep lymphohistiocytic inflammatory infiltrates and dermal mucin. However, unlike classic lupus erythematosus, there is little or no epidermal or dermo-epidermal involvement. Antinuclear antibody test results are usually negative. We describe 4 cases of TLE and discuss the differential diagnosis.

She also said that it could be "Erythema Chronica Migrans", which according to the following website is described as the following, which I've pasted below...coincidentally ALL of my bloodword for Lyme disease has ALWAYS come back NEGATIVE. So the doctor has ruled this out but my rashes have typically taken on the form of a Lyme rash, and I've had similar symptoms to that of Lyme disease.

Erythema Chronicum Migrans


A deep type of gyrate erythema that follows a bite by an ixodid tick; it is a stage-1 manifestation of LYME DISEASE. The site of the bite is characterized by a red papule that expands peripherally as a nonscaling, palpable band that clears centrally. This condition is often associated with systemic symptoms such as chills, fever, headache, malaise, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, backache, and stiff neck.


Erythema Chronicum Migrans


ECM - Erythema chronic migrans, ECM - Erythema chronicum migrans, Erythema chronica migrans, Erythema Chronicum Migrans, Erythema, chronicum migrans, Erythema, migrans, chronicum


9 images found for this diagnoselocalisation: axilla, diagnosis: Erythema Chronicum Migranslocalisation: axilla, diagnosis: Erythema Chronicum Migranslocalisation: axilla, diagnosis: Erythema Chronicum Migranslocalisation: buttocks, diagnosis: Erythema Chronicum Migranslocalisation: chest, diagnosis: Erythema Chronicum Migranslocalisation: shoulder region, diagnosis: Erythema Chronicum Migranslocalisation: face, diagnosis: Erythema Chronicum Migranslocalisation: buttocks, diagnosis: Erythema Chronicum Migranslocalisation: lower leg, diagnosis: Erythema Chronicum Migrans

Gyrate Erythema is also associated with Lyme Disease and has the following information according to the following website

Gyrate erythema.


The gyrate erythemas consist of a nonspecific group (often called erythema annulare centrifugum) for which the cause is usually unknown, and three specific types (erythema marginatum rheumaticum, erythema chronicum migrans [Lyme disease], and erythema gyratum repens). The first specific type, erythema marginatum rheumaticum, has become extremely rare with the decline of its associated disease, rheumatic fever. The second specific type, erythema chronicum migrans, is caused by a spirochete transmitted by the I. ricinus complex of ticks. The third specific type, erythema gyratum repens, is uncommon, morphologically distinctive, and an indicator of serious disease, usually internal malignancy, in almost every instance.

I also looked up Superficial and Deep Lymphocytic Infiltrate and this is what I've discovered. This is what I found when I looked up Superficial and Deep Perivascular Dermatitis from the following website
Superficial and Deep Perivascular Dermatitis
Dermatitis with Minimal Epidermal Changes
Lymphocytes Predominant
Polymorphous Light Eruption
Figure not available in preview mode

Clinical Features
     Pruritic papules and plaques that occur in young women mostly during summer, induced by ultraviolet radiation (UVR)
     Eruption starts few minutes to few hours after exposure and lasts for hours to days
     Epidermis is mostly unremarkable or shows small foci of spongiosis
     Prominent papillary dermal edema is present
     Superficial and deep perivascular, predominantly lymphocytic infiltrate
Special Stains and Immunohistochemistry
Other Techniques for Diagnosis
Differential Diagnosis
     Cutaneous lupus erythematosus
     Typically the subacute and tumid forms should be considered in the differential diagnosis
     Polymorphous light eruption lacks changes at the dermoepidermal junction, has less prominent periadnexal infiltrate, and lacks interstitial mucin deposits, features …

According to the following website Lymphocytic Infiltrate has the following history and information.

Lymphocytic infiltrate of Jessner
Vandana Mehta Rai MD DNB, C Balachandran MD
Dermatology Online Journal 12 (7): 26 

Department of Skin and STD, KMC Manipal. 

Clinical synopsis

A 58-year-old man presented with asymptomatic erythematous nodules and plaques on the trunk of 9-months duration. Lesions were few at onset but gradually progressed to involve the entire back, upper extremities, and the ears. There was no history of photosensitivity, sensory or motor deficit, or neuritis. There was no history of spontaneous resolution of the lesions. Cutaneous examination revealed multiple erythematous deeply infiltrated nodules and plaques on the back and upper arms. Their surface was smooth and shiny with no evidence of scaling, follicular plugging or scarring. There was nodular infiltration of the ear lobes bilaterally. All routine biochemical and hematological investigations were within normal limits. Slit-skin smear for acid fast bacilli was negative. Biopsy from a plaque revealed normal epidermis with well demarcated dense perivascular infiltrate and periadnexal infiltrate in the reticular dermis composed of mature lymphocytes.

Figure 1Figure 2
Figure 1. Infiltrated nodules and plaques on the back
Figure 2. Nodular lesions near the ears

Figure 3Figure 4
Low power and close view of dermal infiltrate


Benign lymphocytic infiltration of skin (LIS) was first described by Jessner and Kanof in 1953 [1]. Clinically it presents with asymptomatic reddish brown nodules and plaques that may show a central clearing producing a circinate arrangement. The lesions occur most commonly on the face, although the neck and back may be involved [2]. There is a marked male preponderance with the M : F ratio of 3 : 1; however, in female patients lesions tend to occur at a younger age than males. The lesions follow an indolent course lasting for weeks or months before resolving and in many cases subsequently recurring. It has been also reported in children [3]. Little is known about the pathogenesis of LIS except that it is characterized as a T-cell disorder [4]. Patients with LIS report their onset during the summer, and this, along with classic distribution over the sun-exposed areas, led to the hypothesis that LIS is a photosensitive disorder and that intense UV light can provoke LIS [5].
Histologically a moderately dense superficial and deep perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate is seen often with mucin between collagen bundles in the reticular dermis. Epidermal changes are lacking and the lymphoid cells are shown to be T lymphocytes by enzyme, histochemical, and immunohistochemical studies [6].
Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE), polymorphous light eruption (PLE), and lymphoma have to be considered in the differential diagnosis. Of these, DLE may be particularly difficult to differentiate from LIS. In fact, some authors believe that Jessner lymphocytic infiltrate represents a non-scarring from of DLE based on a similar histological picture, occasional photosensitivity, and response to antimalarial agents. For our patient, clinically there was no scarring or atrophy, and histologically hyperkeratosis and follicular plugging were absent, for that reason DLE was excluded. Based on the differences between the numbers of OKT 6+ Langerhans cells, HLA DR T cells, Leu 8 cells, and NK cells, monoclonal antibody studies may be of additional help in making a diagnosis. Similarly, testing the basement membrane for direct immunofluorescence would be helpful. These were not done in our patient because of financial constraints.
Differentiating LIS from PLE is often a more difficult problem. Both can share the same clinical and histological features, although early lesions of PLE usually show papillary dermal edema that is not seen in LIS. The patients history is important in the differentiation, however it may be complicated further by the fact that LIS can also be exaggerated after sun exposure. In such cases, presence of active lesions on covered skin areas along with provocative phototesting are useful clues to help make a diagnosis.
Transition of LIS into malignant lymphoma has been reported. Using monoclonal antibodies to differentiate between LIS and lymphoma is possible [7].
Topical and intralesional steroids are used often as first line treatment and can be helpful. A range of systemic preparations have been tried particularly antimalarials, thalidomide [8], and etretinate [9]. Our patient was treated with dapsone (100mg daily) with complete subsidence of lesions at the end of 2 weeks.


1. Jessner M, Kanof NB. Lymphocytic infiltration of the skin. Arch Dermatol 1953;68:447-449.

2. Blaylock WK. Lymphocytic infiltration of the skin (Jessner and Kanof), in Demies DJ, McGuire J (eds) : Clinical Dermatology. New York, Harper & Row Publishers Inc, 1984 ; pg 1-3.

3. CR Higgins, Wakeel RAP, Cerio R. Childhood Jessner's lymphocytic infiltrate of the skin. Br J Dermatol 1994 ; 131 : 99-101.

4. Willemze R, Dijkstra A, Meijer CJLM. Lymphocytic infiltration of the skin (Jessner) : a T cell lymphoproliferative disease. Br J Dermatol 1984 ; 110 : 523-9.

5. Weber F, Schmutt M, Fritsch P, Sipp N. Lymphocytic infiltration of the skin is photosensitive variant of lupus erythematous : evidence by phototesting. Br J Dermatol 2001 ; 144 : 292-296.

6. Viljaranta S, Ranki A, Karimenii A, Nieminen P, Johansson L. Distribution of natural killer cells and lymphocyte subclasses in Jessner's lymphocytic infiltration of the skin and in cutaneous lesions of discoid and systemic lupus erythematosus. Br J Dermatol 1987;116:831-838.

7. Lange Wantzin G, Petri J, Nielsen M, Thomsen K. Benign lymphocytomas ; clinical and histologic aspects. In : Goos M, Christophers E, eds. Lymphoproliferative diseases of the skin. Berlin, West Germany ; Springer - Verlag ; 1982 : 212-214.

8. Moulin G, Bonnet F, Barrut D, Franc MP. Traitement de la maladie de Jessner et Kanof par la thalidomide. Ann Dermatol Venreol 1983 ; 110 : 611-14.

9. Morgan J, Adames J. Satisfactory resolution of Jessner's lymphocytic infiltrate of the skin following treatment with etretinate. Br J Dermatol 1990;122 : 570.

© 2006 Dermatology Online Journal

Last but certainly not least, I also looked up the following information from the website, which gives information about chronic annular (ring-shaped) and erythematous (red) skin eruptions, which is what all of my past skin biopsies stated.  I am pasting the information from this site as well.

Erythema annulare centrifugum

This covers a number of chronic annular (ring-shaped) and erythematous (red) skin eruptions. A large number of other descriptive terms have been used to classify these types of lesions, some of which include figurate erythema, annular erythema, erythema perstans, erythema gyratum perstans, erythema gyratum repens and erythema figuratum perstans.
Erythema annulare centrifugumErythema annulare centrifugumErythema annulare centrifugum
Erythema gyratum repens
(due to gastric carcinoma)
Erythema annulare centrifugum (annular erythema).

What are the signs and symptoms?

Eruptions may occur at any time throughout life, from infancy to old age. The eruption usually begins as small raised pink-red spot that slowly enlarges and forms a ring shape while the central area flattens and clears. There may be an inner rim of scale. The rings enlarge at a rate of about 2-5 mm/day until they reach a diameter of about 6-8 cm. Sometimes the lesions do not form complete rings but grow into irregular shapes. One or several lesions may be present.
Lesions most often appear on the thighs and legs, but may occur on the face, trunk and arms. They are usually without symptoms but in some patients may cause mild itching.

What causes erythema annulare centrifugum?

Often no specific cause for the eruptions is found. However, it has been noted that erythema annulare centrifugum is sometimes linked to underlying diseases and conditions. These include:
In these situations, erythema annulare centrifugum resolves once the underlying cause is treated or the offending drug is stopped.

What is the treatment of erythema annulare centrifugum?

Erythema annulare centrifugum usually clears up by itself. Eruptions may be last from anywhere between a few weeks to many years (the average duration is 11 months). Most cases require no treatment, however topical corticosteroids may be helpful in reducing redness, swelling and itchiness.

Related information


Book: Textbook of Dermatology. Ed Rook A, Wilkinson DS, Ebling FJB, Champion RH, Burton JL. Fourth edition. Blackwell Scientific Publications.

On DermNet NZ:

Other websites:


Author: Vanessa Ngan, staff writer

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