Saturday, August 11, 2012

Embarking on a 60 day detox journey

Well, I made the decision today that I will not wait until August 30th to detox, I will complete my next full body detox THIS MONDAY. Why the sudden rush?! I found out via April that you can detox as often as you'd like, but more importantly, on yesterday, after ingesting some stuff that I know I shouldn't have, the joints in my left hand began paining me to the point that I had to take off my wedding must be painful for me to do that.  The pain didn't just come and go was constant and stayed that way all day and night, and is still hurting today. I texted April to let her know what I was experiencing and she stated, "if you are having joint pains this means your body is too acidic again".  So I'm back on the detoxing train but this time I'm going IN! After I complete the 20 day full body detox, I will once again follow it with the 20 day blood cleanse. Immediately after these 2 cleanses are done, I will complete a 20 day Liver cleanse, per April's recommendation, in order to "rebuild and rejuvenate" my liver from all of the damage that may have been caused from the medications I was on.
I WILL NOT take a break
I WILL NOT come up for air
and I won't just stop there...
When I'm done, I WILL NOT eat cheese, I WILL NOT eat pasta, but I WILL take every precaution that April recommends as far as my diet is concerned. 

See...I shared sometime ago that I've always had to learn lessons the hard way, and that my Grandma always told me that, "a hard head makes a soft behind."  I am so far past this now. I've seen  and experienced the healing victory and answered prayer that God allowed me to have, and I am determined to get that back and to keep it. I may have to learn the hard way and I may have reaped what I've sown, but I tell you what, I'm learning...and this time, I will be sure to sow good seeds so that my entire body will continue to reap healing and victory until God brings me home.

For all of you who are currently detoxing, are looking to detox, or who have recently completed a detox, please, please, please learn from me - maintain a diet of fruits and vegetables, be disciplined enough NOT TO eat those things that are not good for you, and STAY HEALTHY!!!  If you're unsure as to what your diet should consist of, please visit April Chapman's website at and she can guide you on the right path. 

It's so funny because I just had a conversation with my rheumatologist onThursday and he was so impressed with the progress that I've made (he's been reading my blog too). I asked him to send out a script for LabCorp so that I could have all of my tests rerun so that I could see the report of victory (even though I'm experiencing it first hand).  He faxed the script right over to LabCorp and I went yesterday to have my blood taken, but due to a severe thunderstorm that left the power out, I left and came back home. (Look at that!) Now, I'm going to wait until my 60 days are complete before I run any tests. 

God will answer our prayers. He will do just what He said He would do. But we have to be sure to do our part and take responsibility for our own actions regarding our blessings (whooo thank You Jesus). I am taking responsibility for my part and asking God for His strength to do it right this time.  

What an awesome God we serve...even in our mishaps, He continues to show Himself merciful and gracious despite us.

Well, I will be sure to keep you updated as I embark on my 60 day challenge, but I am confident that I will come through this even better than before, and that this time, it will be for the long haul.

I will continue to keep you posted as I continue to JOURNAL THROUGH MY COMPLETE AND TOTAL HEALING.



  1. I'm glad you are focused enough for it...60 days wow...Good Luck.

    1. Thanks Sharon - I'm asking God for His strength to get through; I'm standing on the Word, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me" Philippians 4:13
