Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Day 2 - Another Successful Day

Well, my husband and I have successfully completed Day 2 of our Green Smoothie Cleanse.

As promised, I prepared last night and although I was still running a bit later for work than anticipated (I arrived right at 8:00 AM as opposed to earlier), smoothies and snacks were in our hands and ready to go by 7:30 AM.  OOPS...I did forget to put flax seeds in our smoothies though :>|

Today's smoothie was not as tasty but we still kept up with the prescribed diet of raw fruit, veggies, and nuts, and of course water.  My husband is allergic to bananas, which is one of the ingredients for today and tomorrow's smoothie so I improvised by putting extra of the other ingredients.

We are beginning to feel the normal effects of detoxing such as headaches, fatigue, nausea, and flu-like symptoms which are all good signs of progress. WHOOO HOOO!!!!! :-/ Uggghhhh!!!

On that note, I am going to bed zzzzzzzz.

Here are a few pics...


                                Detox tea courtesy of

Last night's late-night snack...celery and carrot sticks dipped in natural peanut butter

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