Thursday, May 24, 2012

And the VERDICT is in!

Drum roll please.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
are you still rolling the drum?...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
After year and years of searching, testing, questioning, testing, medicating, searching, testing, questioning, poking, prodding, more testing, and more testing, and more testing, I received "the phone call" at 5:43pm...the long awaited phone call to tell me what has been ailing me since 2006...the phone call to determine what the brilliant minds of 60 physicians came up with...the phone call that will determine the very name of the sickness that God is already healing me from. Are you ready for it??????? Well here it goes...

After driving to Philadelphia and being researched by medical minds from all walks of life, this is what all of them with the exception of one doctor, has discovered....are you sure you're ready for it????????????????????

Ok, Ok, Ok...the VERDICT is...that I'm a mystery and that they can't quite figure out what's wrong with me. Yep, that's what they said. One doctor is still sticking with his theory that it's a systemic reaction from a reoccurring bug bite but no other doctor is buying that story. So that's it... after all of this time of being a mystery, I am still just that.

When I received that phone call, I had to flat out laugh on the phone. If I would have received this news, in this way, about 6 months ago, I would be no more good and would have fleeted into an instant depression. But God has been increasing my faith throughout this process and I know that this NON-VERDICT proves just how fearfully and wonderfully made I am; I know that if God wanted those medical minds to figure me out, He would have given them the wherewithal to do just that. But since He didn't, that just further proves that it doesn't matter what it's called, God is going to heal, deliver, and set my body free from whatever it is. Then the doctor asked me if I felt like the medication was helping. I told her no and then she advised me not to come off of it just yet. Little does she know that I've already taken myself off of the medication last week, and that I'm not going back on it or any other drug for that matter. Oh but this is the kicker...they have no idea what it is that has been plaguing my body for 6 years, but they have a regiment of medication that they believe I should start taking in order to "feel better". Yes...I am serious. But guess what?! I refuse to do that as well. I am scheduled to go back July 6th and the way I feel at this moment, I won't be doing that either. You know what, I may take that back because I am claiming that I will feel totally different in 30 days, so in 60 days I believe I'm going to feel better than I've ever felt; so I may go to this appointment as a living testament to the healing power of my Father, and to show all of those doctors just how great I'm doing without medication or the expertise of man.

God is so good and faithful and I'm excited about what He's doing. He is using this sickness and healing experience to propel me closer and further along in Him, and I'm enjoying and looking forward to all He has in store.  I'll continue to keep you posted on my detoxing process as I continue to Journal Through my Healing - I'M ALMOST HEALED Y'ALL :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Be blessed.


  1. I knew it...its crazy how they don't have a diagnosis but will prescribe u drugs. That's just bogus!!! The more I learn about "Big Pharma", the more I find them to be a joke. I saw this you-tube video the other day (if I can find the link I'll paste it here) where they specifically told one of their new employees that they're not in the business of curing a disease, but rather treating the symptoms so that a person can be on their meds for the rest of their life. What a business!!!


      Hope that works

    2. Looks like you'll have to copy and paste into ur address bar.

    3. Wow! I will be sure to check it out. Thank you. Yeah, well the "Big Pharma" has lost my business and therefore my business is not their business anymore ;-)

  2. Janaan is so right. When I tell people that sick people are profitable and that Big Pharma and the medical industry is in business to make a profit, some folks have a hard time believing me. They believe that their doctors want to see them well and free of disease but this is not true. Big Pharma funds our medical schools and has total influence over what is being taught to the next generation of doctors. Just follow the money and you will see just whose interest are being protected. It's certainly isn't ours.

    Drugs don't heal. Drugs supress symptoms, cause new ones to appear and make the body toxic. I am looking forward to sharing in your victory.

    1. Thank you April - I am looking forward to sharing my victory with you.
