Saturday, September 1, 2012

Last Day: Whole 'Lot of Juicin' Goin' On

WHOOO HOOO! I've made it to my 20th day which is the last day of my full body detox. I've already purchased my Salmon for dinner tomorrow night. I guess because today is the last day, I didn't keep track of POOPS, or anything else for that matter. That's also probably because I had a loooooooooooooooooong day yesterday, and when I say it was looooooooooooooooong, that's exactly what I mean. I'm in back-to-school mode so I arrived at my school at 8am in order to begin setting up my classroom. Wanna know what time I left? 4pm and that was only because they kicked us out at that time. I got a lot accomplished though, but I was literally on my feet THE ENTIRE TIME and I'm paying for it ankles are swollen. That wasn't the end of my day. Let's just put it this way: after being on my feet for 8 hours straight, I had some other things to do and didn't get back in the house until...anyone care to take a guess????? 4am...yup, you read right, I didn't get in the house until 4 o'clock in the morning. I was seeing double by then and could only make my way to bed. You'd think I'd be able to sleep in after that loooooooooooooooooong day, right? NOT - I was up and about before 10am cleaning and then had to go food shopping; needless to say I'M POOPED!

But I wasn't too pooped to try out my new juicer that my fairy health mother (April) bought and had shipped to me. I took that bad boy out of the box, washed all of its parts, and was ready to juice my very own juice:

Ready, Set, JUICE!

It looks real clean, shiny, and new right? Well wait until you see the next few pics - it was put to good juice use:

Here was my very 1st homemade juice - carrot, parsley, and apple

I actually made the above juice in between shopping trips: I went to Corrado's to get all of my fresh fruits and veggies, came home, put most of them away, and made my juice with the other ingredients. Then, I figured that I was already on a juicin' roll so I may as well I did.

Oh yeah, I was on a juicin' roll. I only made carrot, parsley, and apple juice today and bottled some up for tomorrow. Remember when I said that I wanted to incorporate some sort of carrot juice into my daily routine, well, I'm back on it.  Tomorrow I think I will try some other combinations that April sent to me; oh yeah, she's full of resources.

Even though today was my very first time juicing anything, I began to feel like a juicing queen...ok, maybe a juicing princess. But I will truly be on the throne once my husband commits to drinking some of it. When I was first experimenting with making smoothies, I attempted to make a strawberry smoothie in my smoothie maker and it wasn't very good - very watery and bland. So of course, this is what he remembers and he's not trying to add to his memory collection. One of these days though, he will try either a homemade smoothie or juice and it will be good - THEN, AND ONLY THEN WILL I BE A JUICING QUEEN - my husband is very picky and a hard sell.

Well, I am extremely tired as I pointed out earlier, so I'm getting ready to turn in. But not before I encourage you to commit to a healthier you. Detoxing isn't the end-all-be-all to optimal health, however it is a first step; if you're willing to do the work and continue on a healthier path, then you will feel and look better than you've  probably ever looked and felt before. Reach out to April Chapman by visiting her website at See what she has to offer and take that first step, you deserve that much don't you think? Here's to a healthier feeling, healthier looking, healthier thinking, healthier being... YOU! Cheers (put up your imaginary cup of water and drink to that).

Be blessed.

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