Monday, March 16, 2015

12 more days and counting down

Today is my 8th day detoxing and I must tell you, I am experiencing symptoms that I don't remember experiencing in the past.  However, the Djehuty's Famous Full Body Detox Instructions does have an explanation for each one of them:

  • Body Odor: A sign that the colon is being cleansed and toxic fumes are being released via the pores of the skin - I apologize for anyone that has noticed an odor coming from me (my bad). At least it's a sign of healing and cleansing.
  • Burning Sensation in the Throat: A sign that the throat is inflamed due to compromised mucus membrane area; mucus and toxic lymph congestion in the throat area of the mucus membranes - whelp...enough said.
  • Coughing: A natural body function; a sign that the lungs are attempting to expectorate dissolved mucus via the mouth.
  • Cramping: Gas pockets in the colon are being released.
  • Dandruff: Denotes dried mucus (boogers) being eliminated externally in the head area; a sign of too much mucus in the head area.
  • Itching: A sign that the body is eliminating via the skin and that the blood is extremely acidic (which causes the itching).
  • Lethargy: A sign that the body is greatly taxed due to being toxic.
  • Perspiration: A sign of bodily elimination via the skin; a sign that the internal eliminative channels are taxed and sluggish; represents a good sign and natural function of the body's intelligence.
  • Rash on the Skin: A sign that the body is eliminating via the skin; a sign that the blood is toxic; denotes blood is being purified.
  • Runny Nose: Dissolving mucus in the respiratory tract and/or sinuses being released via the nostrils; fluidic buildup in the head area being dissolved and eliminated via the nose.
  • Sneezing: The body's way of cleansing (expelling mucus) via the nostrils of the nose; denotes excess fluid build-up in the head area being drained via the nose.
  • Swollen Lymph Nodes: Denotes the lymph system is congested and a lot of toxins are stored in the nodes and are trying to be released by the body.
The above symptoms are in addition to the normal diarrhea, flu-like symptoms, and joint pain that I have always experienced during detoxing.

What does this tell me?  That my body is indeed very toxic and that it was well past the time for detoxing.

Following this cleanse, I will take about a week off and then will begin a Blood Cleanse.

I am thanking God that He made me sick enough to realize that I needed to go back to the basics and begin to once again honor God by taking care of my body; this is the first step.

Be blessed.

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