I bought a scale yesterday so that I could record my weight daily. When I weighed myself last night before going to bed, I weighed 144 pounds (but knew this was food weight as I was weighing 142). When I woke up this morning I weighed 140 pounds. I will continue to keep track of my weight daily as I'm just curious to see how much weight I lose during the duration of the detoxes, and would like to know the timeline of when I lose the most weight.
I went to WHOLE FOODS for the first time tonight with my friend Kim and let me tell you - it is HEALTHY FOOD HEAVEN. They don't just sell food; they sell oils, hair care, dental care, bath salts, and so much more...NATURAL AND ORGANIC. They are costly but they allow you to sample any food that you'd like. We saw some Kale chips and wasn't sure if we wanted to purchase them without tasting them first, and one of the workers came over and opened it and allowed us to sample them...delicious. It felt like I was eating my junk food chips that I used to eat but these are healthy, raw, and vegan. Unfortunately for us they were Sea Salt & Vinegar chips so the salt wasn't a good look so we stopped eating them almost immediately. April and a customer at the store told us how to make our own so this is something that we will try in the future. Here's what they look like just in case you're curious:
Those of you that have been following me know that one of the reasons that I decided to detox this soon was because of the unbearable pain that I was experiencing in my hands.
Well, well, well...God IS FAITHFUL and has done it again -
I am happy to report that I NO LONGER HAVE ANY PAIN IN MY HANDS...
God continues to show Himself ABLE IN ALL THINGS and faithful even when I'm not.
Here's to a victorious 58 more days. GOD IS A HEALER!!!
If you're experiencing some struggles in your body and are ready to make a change, please visit April Chapman's website www.basichealthylivingtoday.com. I recommend the following service:
Full Body Detox Support Package - $125
Basic Healthy Living offers what we believe is the most powerful and effective herbal detox formulation on the market today. Formulated and created by celebrity Master Herbalist Djehuty Maat'Ra this detox is the catalyst to addressing the underlying toxicity in the body. The proliferation of the SAD (Standard American Diet) has placed an enormous burden on the population at large. Obesity, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes and widespread inflammation are running rampant. By turning back to nature, you can safely and effectively reset your body in an effort to walk the path to wellness. "Study nature and it's eternal laws will keep you alive." -Dr. Max Gerson
This package includes:
*Complete Full Body Herbal Detox-6 Formulas + Activated Charcoal. Details
*1-hour pre-detox planning meeting
*Ongoing detox support via phone and or email
*Resources to help you locate organic food options in your area
*Personalized Full Meal Plan for the duration of the detox based on palette and food tolerances
*Grocery List
*Post-Detox recommendations based on health and wellness goals
This package is the best value as it provides you with access to a personal consultant who can answer your questions as they arise. You'll also receive step-by-step assistance regarding the next steps to take on your healing journey.
This package includes:
*Complete Full Body Herbal Detox-6 Formulas + Activated Charcoal. Details
*1-hour pre-detox planning meeting
*Ongoing detox support via phone and or email
*Resources to help you locate organic food options in your area
*Personalized Full Meal Plan for the duration of the detox based on palette and food tolerances
*Grocery List
*Post-Detox recommendations based on health and wellness goals
This package is the best value as it provides you with access to a personal consultant who can answer your questions as they arise. You'll also receive step-by-step assistance regarding the next steps to take on your healing journey.
Think about it - the original detox price is $94.95 and April is offering her
FULL BODY SUPPORT PACKAGE for only $30.05 more than what the detox originally costs...this means that you'll be able to have her coach you through the detox process before, during, and after the detox, and you will be able to ask her AS MANY QUESTIONS AS YOU LIKE and she will guide you on proper food choices throughout.
If it had not been for her coaching me through, I may not have been as successful and guess what?! She is STILL coaching me and she will do the same for you.
Please take advantage of her services today.
This WILL be your first step to a healthier, more victorious you.
I will continue to keep you posted as I continue to JOURNAL THROUGH HEALING.
Be blessed.
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