Sunday, August 26, 2012


You already know...another successful day and I'm so grateful. However, I recognized that I wasn't drinking enough water, so I increased my water intake and my POOPS increased from 2 to 4 - trust me, it made a difference. I only have 5 more detox days to go and I'm looking forward to a little break.

Ok, I love, love, love, LOVE watermelon but sometimes, I'm not the best at pickin' 'em. Today's watermelon, I believe was juuuuuust right. Take a look for yourself:

The darker the berry (well melon in this case) the sweeter the juice.
You can kind of tell how good it was as I had to take 2 bites out before taking the picture.
Now, those of you that have been following my blog know that I have been trying to incorporate carrot juice into my daily routine. Today was no different: I went to Corrado's (I know, I know, I really need to invest in a juicer) and asked for a carrot/apple/parsley juice; 60% carrots and apples, and 40% parsley. First of all, I got a blank stare because, "she no speak eh no ingles", but made the effort to try and help me. Let's just say that I waited for 35 minutes and still didn't end up with what I asked for. 
  1. First things first - I asked for 60% carrots and apples, and 40% parsley, as I stated above. It took me about a minute and a half to get this message across and I finally settled on saying, "mucho carrot, mucho apple, un poquito parsley". Now we were cooking with gas; my 2 years of College Spanish came in handy (you'd think I'd know a little bit more than this but hey, this was all I had at the moment).  So she gathered a nice trough and began to cut up all of my requested ingredients. "Lookin' good, lookin' good", I thought until it wasn' on...
  2. The next thing that alarmed me was she was set to pour my new juice into a container which contained red stuff in it. I continued to tell her that I wanted her to wash out the pitcher and she tried to explain that the juicer would clean my juice as it juiced...HUH??? I don't want my juice having red stuff in it. After singing this song for about 2 minutes, I couldn't believe what she did next. She took the ENTIRE JUICER apart, piece by piece, took everything to the back, and left me standing out there for about 5 minutes. When she returned, the juicer still wasn't clean and neither was the pitcher, SMH......STRIKE 1
  3. So, the next task was trying to put Humpty Dumpty back together again (Humpty Dumpty = juicer). She solicited the help of not 1, not 2, but 4 different workers to help her in this task; the whole time mumbling something Spanish underneath her breath.  (God how I wish I remembered my college Spanish). So a few minutes pass, and she finally gets the juicer back together. But she forgets one of the compartments in the back so leaves me yet again, with no veggies being juiced...STRIKE 1 1/2
  4. Finally she returns from the back and puts the missing piece in its place. "WHOO HOO", I thought, let the juicing begin...WRONG! She has on gloves and proceeds to use this glove to put her hair back TWICE, and clean the area using a dishcloth which looked like it hadn't been washed in years. I politely asked her if she wouldn't mind using another glove...ok, maybe at this point I wasn't as polite as I needed to be - I think I said something like, "do you have gloves? can you put another one on?" I definitely was think and act out of character. It had been 30 minutes and I still didn't have any juice. She looked at me, mumbled some more, and put a new glove on...STRIKE 2 
  5. Now it's time to begin juicing...YAYYYYYYY!.........................................NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So I'm getting my mouth ready for some juice. She puts in 1 carrot...gurgle gurgle gurgle gurgle, out comes the juice. She puts in some apples...gurgle gurgle gurgle gurgle, out comes some more juice. She puts in some parsley...gurgle gurgle gurgle gurgle, out comes some parsley juice, we're onto smooth sailing. She puts in another piece of parsley...gurgle gurgle gur spit plomp glomp kerplump errrrrrrrrrrrrr...silence.  She tries it again...silence. She opens up the juicer and begins to scrape out all of my ingredients and throw them into the trash. She presses the button to juice again...silence. She opens the juicer yet again and scrapes out more of my precious ingredients...silence. She calls not 1, not 2, but 4 people once again to come to her rescue. By this time, my patience had run out and I was truly DONE! There was a teeny bit of juice in the pitcher and I asked her if she could pour this into a cup. "One second Mommy". I ask another gentleman if he can just simply ask her to pour this amount into a cup as I had been waiting for 35 minutes and could no longer wait. He says, "wait a moment." He didn't really just say that to me after I had been waiting all of this time did he? I think he did. He must not know...I was getting ready to reach over the counter and pour it into a cup myself but decided against it. So another guy came over so I politely (yes, I said it politely) asked if he could ask her to pour this juice into a cup as I needed to go. He relayed the message, she poured the juice, and I left and I wasn't about to pay for a cotton pickn' thing...STRIKE 1, 2, 3, 4...10! Would you like to see what I waited almost 40 minutes for? See below...

What you see, is what I got...does this look like carrot juice to you? Uhhhh no...
Does it look like 40 minutes worth of juice? Uhhhhh no once again!
I call it FIASCO drink...and it's not even good! SMH (shaking my head) AGAIN.

When I got out into the parking lot, I really had to ask God for forgiveness because, even though I didn't go off, my countenance wasn't reflective of God. I could have truly been a witness of God's long suffering by putting a smile on my face, patiently waiting for the job to be done, and  speaking in a kind and soft tone...STRIKE 100 ON MY PART..."So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death" (Romans 8:1-2) thank You Lord for not treating me the way I sometimes treat others, and for Your new mercies that You grant me daily, as I am so undeserving. 

God is yet good despite me and for that I am thankful.

On this lovely note, I pray that all of you have a blessed night and please don't forget to visit April Chapman's site at to take the 1st step to reaching your health goal.

I will continue to keep you posted as I JOURNAL THROUGH HEALING.

Be blessed.


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