Wednesday, December 16, 2015

What a Day, What a Day!

These last two days have been extremely busy.

So much so that I was not even able to blog on yesterday.  But I will have you know that I am still drinking at least one green smoothie a day, drinking detox tea, and lots of water.

I feel great!..with the exception of my body trying to fight off/grab onto a cold.

I am proud to say that I walked 4 miles the other day and it felt really good.  Now that the weather is back to being more Fall-like, I will have to try another way.

I am also happy to report that today I was able to fit into a skirt that I had not been able to fit into since last year :-))))))))))))  The cleanse is really paying off.  I just have to maintain some sense of healthy eating/drinking while indulging in some of my favorites like fried Whiting, macaroni and cheese and the like :-|.

As I stated earlier, I have been sooooooo very busy and today was no exception.  I was so busy that I did not eat a morsel of food; only water (which is not a habit that I want to begin).

I called myself trying to make some tea while at work.  I got some hot water and placed my spoon in my mug, but that was as far as I got.  A tea bag never made it into the water SMH.

I just got home from work and ate an apple.  But before I eat my 2 fish sandwiches that I have already heated up, I will ingest some detox tea, followed by my green smoothie made with spinach, mixed greens, pineapples, and strawberries.

OH and my husband is continuing to consume the Chocolate Shakeology drink every morning and enjoys it.

Well, enough for now.

I hope that my journey has inspired some of you to look into healthier ways of living.

Be blessed!