Just in case you don't remember who April is, she's a holistic health practitioner and nutritional coach, who is very knowledgeable about how to bring the body back into balance with all things natural. If it had not been for her, I'm not sure what condition I would be in. Look at her website and familiarize yourself with her services. TRUST ME it will benefit you greatly. Her price of the full body detox will reflect that of dhealthstore.com however, she takes it a step further and will answer whatever questions you have throughout the process.
I am happy to report that my fellow detoxers are going strong:
- MY MOM - My mom should have been finished tomorrow but her liquid detox formula ran out but let me tell you; she looks GREAT! She has lost weight, her skin is flawless, I already told you that her vision has been perfected, her blood pressure has been fine (she has checked it daily since she stopped taking her blood pressure meds cold turkey before she started the detox), and she has more energy. She also tries to walk daily.
- MY FRIEND KIM - Today is her 9th day of the full body detox (capsules) and she is going strong. She is continuing to lose weight and inches, she continues to be pain-free, and is excited about the results that she's experiencing. She exercises daily by either walking or doing Shaun T's "Insanity".
- One of the nurses at the infectious disease doctor's office that I used to go to called me today and began her detox on yesterday.
- One of my cousin's will begin her detox on Wednesday.
- A family of 3 will begin their detox next Monday.
- A family of 5 will be ordering their full body detoxes shortly.
- A friend of mine ordered hers this past Friday and is looking forward to beginning.
- A couple just inquired about it yesterday and will be ordering it very soon.
- A friend of the family just inquired about it today and will most likely be taking advantage of April's services in order to inquire about the correct course of action for her.
- One of the teenager's that I know has inquired about the detox so will probably be ordering soon.
- More and more are inquiring daily.
- You should be next on this list...
Let me continue to assure you that I feel great, I don't have any pain, ALL OF MY CLOTHING IS TOO BIG (even the small clothes), I continue to be told that I look great, my skin is healthy, I have a whole lot of energy, and I'm continuing to eat fruits, veggies, and wild-caught fish.
Oh, by the way, I am continuing to walk on a daily basis and just began ZUMBA DVD's tonight, thanks to my friend Kim for getting them for me. I will walk in the morning and do Zumba in the evening.
God is so good and I'm happy to share in my testimony of healing with you. Please, please, please, please don't put it off any longer. I was COMPLETELY healed in a matter of a few weeks, after battling an auto-immune disease for 7 years. Trust me, this can be your testimony as well.
I will continue to keep you posted as I JOURNAL THROUGH HEALING, and hope that I'll be writing about your success story soon.
Be blessed.
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