Wednesday, May 30, 2012

This is it...Day 1 of DETOX

Good morning all, well today is the beginning of a new, healthier me. How fitting it was that my Joyce Meyer devotional was entitled, Trusting Him Through the Process.  I am definitely trusting Him as He takes me through this process, as I know He's going through it with me. As per Dheuty, I broke my fast (from sleeping) with 2 glasses of "moving" water; I shook the bottle to make it move. At 7:00am I will take FORMULA #1 which is my Blood and Lymphatic formula. Next I will take FORMULA #2 at 10:00am which is my Cardiovascular formula. Following that, at 12:00pm I will take...yup, you guessed it FORMULA #3 for my Liver. FORMULA #4 is a formula for my Lungs and Respiratory, which I will take at 2:00pm. After that I will take FORMULA #5 at 5:00pm for my Kidneys-Bladder-Adrenal. Then FORMULA #6 at 7:00pm, which is designed...wait a minute, it's 7:00am and time for me to take my first Formula...they taste a little fishy...but they're down the hatch. As I was saying, FORMULA #6 is designed for my Colon and Digestive Tract and last but not least, at BEDTIME, I take my final FORMULA #7 which is activated Charcoal (Carbon) which I mix a teaspoon in my water and drink it.  I KID YOU NOT, AS I'M TYPING THIS I HEARD A NOISE IN THE KITCHEN AND WENT TO INVESTIGATE. SOMETHING WAS FALLING OUT OF THE GARBAGE BAG AND ONTO THE FLOOR. NOT JUST ANY SOMETHING, BUT A TINY PIECE OF STEAK THAT WAS ON MY HUSBAND'S PLATE FROM LAST NIGHT. It was like its last attempt to get me to change my mind but NOPE...I'm gonna see this through until the end and then continue from there.

I take a total of 30 pills a day; 5 for each Formula. Too much you think? Well, when I was on the doctor's prescriptions I was taking 12 different medications; 3 intravenously daily, and the other 9 consisted of lots and lots and lots of pills. If I could take them for naught, I can definitely consume 30 a day for health.

My lunch box is packed...I have a big, leafy salad for lunch, for breakfast I'm going to drink a fruit smoothie, then eat an apple and a pear; and I have cucumbers and carrots for snack. I will also drink a whole lot of water. Today is Field Day with my students so I'm going to be out in the heat but am looking forward to the challenge (we're gonna kick some 3rd grade butt too)...oh I'm sorry, I learned with my 4-year old niece over the weekend that, "If you have some fun, you've already won", and I taught that to my 3rd graders on yesterday so we're claiming our victory anyway; and I'm claiming my victory on my 1st day of detox.

I understand that this detoxification isn't the finish line but as April Chapman said to me, "the detox is the gateway to health not the final destination." So I am praying for the strength to complete this process and continue with a healthy life style, so that I can have a healthy, more productive life.

Oh and take a load of this...Last night I showed my husband my big, leafy salad for lunch, and he asked me to make him some. HAH!!! I put cheese on top of his with my Red Wine Vinegar and Olive Oil Vinaigrette salad dressing. He acted like he didn't like it but ate it allllll up (I gave him a big helping too). So, there's hope after all ;-)

I will journal later on today after I've consumed some more formulas, and will continue to share with you as I  Journal Through my Healing.

Be blessed.


  1. This is awesome. I hope you first day was a success. You can do this! If it gets rough, know that God will see you through.

    1. Amen...and it was a success. Thank you so much for being with me every step of the way.
