Have you ever felt like you were on the verge of something? Well, I know that I'm on the verge of a life-changing experience, and it seems like the closer and closer that I get to it, the more my body wants to go haywire. Since I made the conscious decision to order the full body detox, my body has been going through changes - I've been more fatigued, I'm getting itchy all over, tiny bumps are forming, my ankles and feet are swelling, and I've been feeling flat out sick. I can recall points in my life when I knew something was about to occur, and as I approached closer and closer, the enemy wanted to do everything in his power NOT to allow me to my VICTORY. In hindsight, I recognize that it was at these hardest times in my life that God was about to do a new thing, about to bless me in a way like never before, that everything that could go wrong, started to...all to keep me from pressing on and forward to my blessing and in this case, my healing. This healing is going to open up so many doors that have been closed because my body wasn't ready, because my focus was on depression or ailments or circumstances, and because I just wasn't mentally, physically, spiritually, or emotionally capable of receiving what God wanted to give. All of that is about to change...I can feel it and I'm determined to get what God has in store.
I may not have won every battle during this journey, but in the name of Jesus, I know that I'm going to win the war - I've already won and now I just have to persevere and travail until God brings it to fruition. We often don't make it to our break-thru because when it's hard, we falter and fall and give up, but I am determined to get what God said I could have - and it will begin with this process of detoxing.
Those of you that have been praying, please continue to do so as I continue to pray for you. I will continue to Journal Through my Healing and will post updates every step of the way.
Be blessed.
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