Monday, December 3, 2012

Mood Swings = Whoo hoo!

I know I had to leave my last post prematurely as my emotions were on 10 at that moment. My poor husband... He always gets the brunt of it SMH.

Just in case there are any new readers that's not familiar with detoxing, mood swings are actually a good thing - it's an indicator that the detox is releasing emotional toxins. It's also common to experience a healing crisis - if you've suffered from pain or ailments of any sort, they generally get worse while detoxing as you're releasing physical toxins as well. But believe you me, it gets much, much better. In order to get to the victory on the other side, you have to go through the struggle, sacrifice, and pain.

In addition to emotional toxins, I'm also currently experiencing the release of physical toxins - headache, extreme fatigue, soreness of muscles...oh yeah, it all comes with the detoxing territory.

April commented on my FB link that it seems like this time around it's more intense and I'm hoping that means the results are going to be even more outstanding than before; which is hard to believe because I've experienced TRUE HEALING and have been feeling GRRRREAT!

So I'm saying Whoo Hoo to these mood swings, as I'm sitting here growling through my face mask.'s definitely time to turn in.

Night night - STAY TUNED as I continue to Journal Through Healing.

Oh and by the way, I have lost a total of 5 lbs so far...from 135 to 130 and counting.

Be blessed.

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