Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Still waiting

Good evening,

Well, I'm still waiting for my blood cleanse to arrive in the mail.

I'm still eating fruits and veggies throughout the day but am incorporating other foods at dinner. Today I ate the same thing that I had yesterday, Salmon and rice.

I'm not used to having only one bowel movement so when I got home from work, I did what I never thought I would do...I drank some distilled water. When I was drinking the distilled water with my detox, I hated the fact that I was going to the bathroom so much, but now, I want to go - I want to make sure that toxins are still being flushed out. Needless to say, I haven't gone to the bathroom since this morning. I'm used to being regular (even before the detox) so this once a day bit is not going to work for me.  I am going to ingest my activated charcoal again tonight so hopefully that will allow me to at least have my morning bowel movement.

The students finished their last day of school today WHOOOO HOOOOO! My last day is tomorrow and I'M GLAD ABOUT IT! I can't wait! Did I mention that I'm glad about it???? My husband told me that I don't have to work this summer so I'm looking forward to some much needed rest and relaxation.

My birthday is this Friday as well so I'm thanking God in advance for allowing me to see my 32nd birthday -feeling better than ever and I intend to keep it up. I must say that I look great too; please don't think I'm being conceited because just a few months ago I was just about 200 pounds, could barely walk, was in so much pain, and couldn't fit into ANYTHING! Now I'm back into my old clothes (with room to spare might I add), and I love the way I look and feel. God is good and if I can't be thankful for my own healing, both inside and out, then I can't expect God to do another thing for me. We ought to be thankful for what God has done.

A lot of you have been inquiring about the full body detox and I hope that you order it; it's on sale and you will truly love the results. The website is; in the search box type in "full body detox" and scroll down until you see "full body detox (capsules) OR full body detox (liquid)". If you decide to do it, please comment on my blog or send me a message letting me know your progress. I will rejoice with your healing report as well.

On that note, I'm getting ready to turn in as I am very tired.

Be blessed.

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