Saturday, April 28, 2012

Knowledge is Power

I took the time out on this beautiful, Saturday afternoon, to educate myself on all of the sites that I was sent from April Chapman and I am amazed, inspired, and encouraged by what I have been reading. I'm going to showcase Brenda Cobb's story in today's blog. She is the director and founder of The Living Foods Institute, and pursued this endeavor after she was diagnosed with breast and cervical cancer and given only 6 months to live. Well, because of her faith and belief in God, and that "with God all things are possible", she was COMPLETELY HEALED IN 6 MONTHS. I am pasting her story from her website below. Her website is PLEASE SHARE WITH ALL THAT YOU KNOW WHO IS OR HAS BEEN BATTLING WITH CANCER OR ANY OTHER DISEASE FOR THAT MATTER.

She will also be speaking in NYC on June 8-10th at a FREE seminar at the New Life Expo, see for details.

Be blessed.

Brenda's Story 
This is not your typical before and after story, this is the testimony of one woman’s all natural total healing from cancer and how she turned her personal health crisis into a gift for the world. In 1999 Brenda Cobb was diagnosed with breast and cervical cancer. Her doctor said she would be dead in 6 months to a year if she didn’t do surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. She didn’t do anything the doctor recommended and she still healed completely!
How did she do it? Brenda nourished her body with organic raw and living foods, detoxified and cleansed her colon, lymphatic system and blood; cleared out and healed emotional stuff she had buried inside and in six months she was completely healed! Brenda used to be plagued with allergies, arthritis, obesity, depression, chronic fatigue, headaches and skin problems, but now that is all in the past. Today she is vibrantly healthy and radiant!
Her mission is to teach as many people as possible how to restore and maintain the most optimum health by eating organic raw and living foods, detoxification and emotional healing. She is recognized as a foremost leader, healer and teacher in the raw and living foods movement. Many thousands of people have taken her classes, workshops and seminars and their testimonies are awe-inspiring.
She has authored many books, made numerous television and radio appearances and has taught hundreds of classes about good health and healing naturally. She is a dynamic and charismatic woman who is certain to inspire you to become educated and enlightened and to take care of your most valuable asset, your health!
Brenda says,
“I know complete healing is possible when a person has real faith and belief. God created the body to be able to heal itself and it will when it is given what it needs to do the job.
Thousands of our students have been told by their doctors that they were hopeless, terminal or incurable, but I believe and have seen with my own eyes that with God's help, prayer, positive thinking, emotional healing, cleansing, and optimum nutrition people can and do heal.
It is imperative people learn how to properly take care of their own health.  Many times people don’t do better because they don’t know any better. When a person becomes educated in exactly what to do and then does it, the healing possibilities are limitless. Everyone can have good health, because with God all things are possible.”

Friday, April 27, 2012

Setback to Comeback

Well, today marks exactly 2 weeks since I had my lip biopsy, and 10 days since I had my skin biopsy. No news yet, but I'm continuing to trust God and wait on Him. A lot of changes are taking place but I know that God is working it all out for my good.  A friend of mine encouraged me with these words, "sometimes God allows setbacks in order to set us up for an awesome comeback", and I truly believe that God is doing just that. Be encouraged as I am.

Be blessed.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

God is good...

Despite all that's going on in my physical body, GOD IS GOOD...ALL THE TIME, AND ALL THE TIME...GOD IS GOOD! My condition doesn't seem to have changed much but there are those things that I'm glad never change - like how good God is. Despite everything else, He never fails and all the time He is good.

Below is an updated picture of one of my two rashes. I'm using a steroidal cream which I guess is working. This huge blob began as a little red dot (smaller than a mosquito bite) which always morphs into a huge ring before finally disappearing. If you look close, you will see a clearing in the middle as the outer circle is red and inflamed, the center is clear and healed. If you look just below the rash (I didn't even notice this until I looked at this pic), my skin is a lighter shade and seems like something is being pushed further down as the rash travels down. I don't know. I'm still trusting God and working on detoxing so I can begin a healthy beginning.

Be blessed.

Friday, April 20, 2012

A Mind of Peace

Well, I received the results back from my biopsy and low-and-behold, there is no evidence in my salivary glands of Sjrogen's Syndrome. Part of me wanted to have a diagnosis so that I could at least have peace of mind about why my body is going through all of these changes. But then God reminded me that I can have peace that surpasses all understanding, regarding of what's going on around me. So I choose to have peace, despite the forming of new rashes, despite the returning of joint pain, despite the recent swelling, and despite there being a lack of a definitive diagnosis. God is able in all things, and is in the midst of all things.God knows why boy body is experiencing all of these changes and He is deciding for answers not to be revealed. So I am going to trust Him and have a mind of peace.

I will focus on beginning more healthy habits, and will determine to educate myself in order to have the best quality of life that God desires me to have.

Thank you all so much for the overwhelming messages via Facebook, e-mail, text, phone, in person, and through this blog. I am encouraged by each and every word, and most importantly by the prayers.

Continue to be blessed and determine to have a mind of peace.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012



I have some very valuable information that you may want to pass on to your friend. From reading her blog she is really going through a lot. I have been doing extensive research and study on the valuable role nutrition plays in healing chronic and degenerative diseases including but not limited to auto immune disorders. Even though she doesn't have a specific diagnosis, 1 thing is certain-her immune system is not functioning properly and her body, in an effort to protect itself is attacking itself; similiar to Lupus, but not quite. The following are some links that I believe will lead her down the road to recovery. I am a strong advocate for alternative/natural medicine. Conventional medicine has not been able to provide her with what she needs, outside of helping her manage her symptoms at best. Without getting all preachy, the truth of the matter is, modern conventional medicine cannot heal/cure her. They can only help her manage her symptoms in an effort to provider her with a half way decent quality of life. Who wants that. She deserves to live life to the fullest, without being dependent on pills and such to manage her pain. I guarantee you if she keeps an open mind, the information and organizations and books I am about to suggest will lead her down the path to recovery and restoration. I hope she is receptive as she may not get support for her doctor, but in all honestly, they can't help her.
site is great, but this page in particular is important. It will teach her how to take control of her health.
-this organization has been successfully healing cancer and other degenerative diseases for decades including Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure AIDS and many more chronic and even fatal illnesses. The have success treating and healing diseases that conventional medicine indicates there is no cure for. I believe this is an invaluable place for her to start.
-this organization is located here in Atlanta. It is an amazing place. The founder, Brenda Cobb will be in NYC this upcoming June. Your friend should really come to hear her speak. She's healed of breast and cervical cancer and now teaches others. The website will have more information on exactly when and where she will be.
- This organization is also excellent. Tons of information on the site.

The following documentaries will really open her eyes to a lot of things concerning her health and how to gain it back:

"Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead"-Don't let the title fool you, it has more to do with healing from a chronic illness than being fat.

"Forks over Knives"-Great movie about how food choices has a lot to do with chronic illness and disease.

"Food Matters"-This one really opened my eyes and is what made me decide to change careers. I am now embarking upon study as a holistic health practitioner.

"The Gerson Miracle"-also a good one.

Books-the following books will also help-

"The Gerson Therapy" by Charlotte Gerson and Morton Walker.

If you or her have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. This is a lot of info, but I really want to help and I feel this information can help her.




Ok, today wasn't such a good day as I was beginning to wallow in the fact that my rashes have returned, my joints are beginning to hurt again, and just decided to have a very human reaction but not very helpful action...a pity party; it was affecting my mood and my outlook BUT THEN GOD SENT SOME INFORMATION MY WAY, courtesy of my friend Kimberly Davis, through her friend April Chapman. I am going to paste all of the helpful and pertinent information that she sent my way, courtesy of her own research and data, so that those of us experiencing health issues with no real cure and/or diagnosis can have the full quality of life that God intended us to have. I thank God that He is ALWAYS RIGHT ON TIME.

Be blessed.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

University of Penn Take 2

Well, I am back home from Philly with some prospects of news, but none as of yet. I have 2 rashes as opposed to one, and the doctor decided to biopsy one of them. I have had 3 skin biopsies prior which only said that they were "red, circular rashes"...I mean it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that's what they are on the surface, but what is going on under the surface? I believe that with this new skin biopsy, the results of the lip biopsy, as well as some new blood work, discoveries are on the horizon. Now, I'm just sitting back, waiting and praying. My next appointment is scheduled for May so at that time I will upload University of Penn Take 3.

I videotaped my biopsy and am going to share it here for anyone that cares to see ;-)))

As always, thank you for reading and viewing.
Be Blessed.

University of Penn take 1

Well my husband and I are in Philly and the doctor is running behind schedule. It's always bitter-sweet to come here as it's directly across the street from where my 21 year old baby sister passed away from Sickle Cell. God decided to heal her by taking her home, but I believe my testimony of healing will take place on this side of glory praise God. By the way, thank you all for your encouraging words, for sharing your personal stories, and for some interesting suggestions and theories - nothing's too hard for God and I know that He works in miraculous and mysterious ways. I thank God for my support system which always consisted of my family, but now it includes church family, co-workers, and now you all. God is worthy and able in all things. I'll post again after I've seen the doctors. Again, thank you for your prayers and concern. Be blessed.

Monday, April 16, 2012

I just had a lip biopsy done on Friday, April 13, 2012, in order to confirm or negate Sjrogen's Syndrome, the auto-immune disease that Venus Williams has. It causes dry mouth, dry eyes, as well as joint pain.  I should find out on Friday, April 20, 2012 whether or not I have this disease or not. If it's positive, it will be one step closer to my treatment, but if it's negative...then I know God's working in another diagnosis and treatment.

Tomorrow I am off to Philly in order to meet with Dr. Victoria Werth, my rheumatologist/dermatologist that will most likely biopsy my new rash. This will be my 4th biopsy on one of my rashes but hopefully this time will be different.  Keep me in your prayers, and I will be sure to fill you in tomorrow.

Be Blessed.
Here is what my rash currently looks like. It starts out the size of a little bump, smaller than a mosquito bite, and then it morphs into what it is today, until it fades away. It itches, grows, and has a clear center with a bulls-eye shape.

Welcome and Introduction

Well, this is my first official BLOG post and while I feel like I am 6 years late, the saying is "that it's better late than never" so here goes.

Welcome! Let me first start off by telling you why I am beginning this blog. I have been dealing with health complications since June of 2006 with many different doctors' confusion, opinions, lack of diagnosis, and many, many, many different medications...with no healing and little relief.  After years of experiencing rashes, joint pain, and many more symptoms, today marks the 6th year of bafflement and yes...lack of answers.

I spoke with my principal today (yes, I'm a school teacher) about my most recent "flare" and she suggested that I create a BLOG because, in her exact words, "someone, somewhere in the world HAS to be experiencing the same symptoms and difficulties that you have been experiencing and maybe they have seen the ONE DOCTOR that knows what the diagnosis is and how to treat it".  Thanks to Mrs. Bobblyn Ranger-Dobbs for the suggestion, and to my husband for his agreement and support - here's the birth of JOURNALING THROUGH HEALING.

Don't get me wrong, I am a Saved and Sanctified, Born-again-Believer and believe in the power of healing through prayer and faith. While I'm waiting for God to reveal and heal, maybe there's someone out there who's experiencing the same kind of sickness and just needs the inspiration to Journal through their Healing as I've Chosen to Do. Whatever your choice for reading, thank you and I hope that someone, somewhere, isn't afraid to share your views, thoughts, and prayers. 

In this Blog, I will upload pictures that may be crucial to my diagnosis so I warn you in advance, that they aren't pretty, but hopefully, they will be the very evidence needed to spark a definitive diagnosis from somewhere.